
Cluster “National, transnational, supra-national and multilateral actors”

What are the objectives and interests of different actors and/or organisations such as the EU, the UN, the OECD, as well as public and non-public actors? To what extent and under what conditions are they effective in reaching their goals? To what extent do they contribute towards sustainable futures?


Aid and conflict at the sub-national level: evidence from World Bank and chinese development projects in Africa
Gehring, Kai / Lennart Kaplan / Melvin H.L. Wong (2019)
published on AidData Mar 8, 2019 (Working Paper 70)

The Treaty of Aachen: opportunities and challenges for Franco-German cooperation in development policy and beyond
Krüger, Laura-Theresa / Julie Vaillé (2019)
Discussion Paper 8/2019

Does private aid follow the flag? An empirical analysis of humanitarian assistance
Fuchs, Andreas / Hannes Öhler (2019)
published on AidData (AidData Working Paper 78)

Incentivising and regulating multi-actor partnerships and private-sector engagement in development cooperation
Wehrmann, Dorothea (2019)
Discussion Paper 21/2018

A mountain worth climbing: reforming the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs
Janus, Heiner / Silke Weinlich (2018)
Briefing Paper 20/2018

Evidence-oriented approaches in development cooperation: experiences, potential and key issues
Marschall, Paul (2018)
Discussion Paper 8/2018

Unfinished business: an appraisal of the latest UNDS reform resolution
Baumann, Max-Otto / Silke Weinlich (2018)
Briefing Paper 13/2018

Using standard indicators: opportunities, challenges and risks
Holzapfel, Sarah (2018)
published on Rural21 01.04.2018

Mission impossible? Country-level coordination in the UN development system
Baumann, Max-Otto (2018)
Discussion Paper 7/2018

A bridge over troubled water? The Instrument contributing to Stability and Peace (IcSP) and the security-development nexus in EU external policy
Bergmann, Julian (2018)
Discussion Paper 6/2018

United in diversity? Analysing behaviour expectations of the European Union as a non-state member of the OECD’s development assistance committee
Keijzer, Niels / Joren Verschaeve (2018)
published on Contemporary Politics 01 Feb 2018

When ‘unintended effects’ reveal hidden intentions: implications of ‘mutual benefit’ discourses for evaluating development cooperation
Keijzer, Niels / Erik Lundsgaarde (2017)
published on Evaluation and Program Planning 17 September 2017

Need, merit and politics in multilateral aid allocation: a district-level analysis of world bank projects in India
Nunnenkamp, Peter / Hannes Öhler / Maximiliano Sosa Andrés (2017)
in: Review of Development Economics 21 (1), 126-156


Need, merit and politics in multilateral aid allocation: a district-level analysis of world bank projects in India
Nunnenkamp, Peter / Hannes Öhler / Maximiliano Sosa Andrés (2017)
in: Review of Development Economics 21 (1), 126-156