Impulses on the Bundestag elections 2025
With the federal elections in 2025, Germany is facing fundamental decisions. In a multipolar world that is increasingly characterised by geopolitical tensions and wars, Germany will have to assume greater international responsibility. At the same time, multiple crises, increasing polarisation and the spread of disinformation as well as federal power struggles have weakened trust in our institutions, democracy and the ability of those in power to act. The outcome of the elections and the coalition negotiations will determine how international cooperation through development policy, climate policy, foreign trade policy or migration issues will be shaped in the next legislative period and how sustainable development and sustainable futures can be promoted in Germany, Europe and worldwide.
The German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS) aims to contribute to informed public opinion by providing scientifically sound and substantive analyses. In the run-up to and after the elections, we therefore contribute to the debate on the future direction of Germany's foreign policy and international cooperation for sustainable development.
In the coming weeks, we will be publish written impulses here as part of a special series of our Current Column format and as Policy Briefs. With these formats, we will shed light on both the changing framework conditions for international relations in times of polycrisis and the importance of international cooperation for Germany's national interests.
German parties’ vision for development policy: 2025 federal elections
Klingebiel, Stephan / Anita Käppeli (2025)
published on, 14.01.2025
Zwischen globaler Solidarität und nationalem Egoismus
Klingebiel, Stephan (2025)
published on, 14.01.2025
Beyond mergers: charting Germany’s development policy in a changing world
Klingebiel, Stephan (2024)
published on, 02.12.2024
Missverständnisse ausräumen
Klingebiel, Stephan (2024)
in: E+Z (9/2024), 19
„Offene strategische Autonomie“: eine entwicklungspolitische Standortbestimmung und Positionierung für die deutsche Entwicklungspolitik
Klingebiel, Stephan (2024)
Policy Brief (26/2024)
Im Fokus
IDOS Institutsstrategie (PDF in englischer Sprache) Sustainable Futures: Research, Policy Advice, and Training for a Collaborative Multipolar World