Impulses for the Bundestag election

Resource scarcity, climate change, digitalisation, flight and migration – global challenges are complex. Solutions and models for the future can therefore only be developed and pursued in global cooperation.

How can social and natural resources be used sustainably? How can cross-border cooperation promote sustainable development and the global common good? On the way to a transformative structural policy, development policy is also undergoing change.

In the run-up and the aftermath to the Bundestag elections, the German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS) would therefore like to invite to a debate on the understanding of development and the orientation of development policy.

In a special series of the Current Column entitled "Impulses for the Bundestag Election”, we publish suggestions on what the future model of a German development policy for a sustainable future could look like. Against the backdrop of their research, DIE's researchers shed light on fields of action that should be the focus of development policy in the next legislative period.

As a frame for the series, Prof. Dr Anna-Katharina Hornidge and Prof. Dr Imme Scholz have outlined guidelines for German development policy in the 21st century.


60 years of German development cooperation – where to go from here?
Scholz, Imme / Heidemarie Wieczorek-Zeul / Vera Songwe / Andrea Ordóñez / Ariane Hildebrandt / Anna-Katharina Hornidge (2021)
International Development Blog, 10.12.2021

How the new German government could shape European development policy
Koch, Svea / Aline Burni (2021)
The Current Column of 6 December 2021

Why the next German government needs a long-term approach to Tunisia and Morocco
Furness, Mark / Annabelle Houdret (2021)
The Current Column of 22 November 2021

Why Germany’s hydrogen strategy needs supplementing with a multilateral agenda
Stamm, Andreas / Rita Strohmaier / Tilman Altenburg / Huri Ece Oyan / Katharina Thoms (2021)
The Current Column of 22 September 2021

What structures does the German government need in order to meet its sustainability targets?
Schulz, Sabrina / Leonie Droste / Dominic Kranholdt / Joana Stalder
The Current Column of 20 September 2021

Germany’s next federal government and the United Nations
Baumann, Max-Otto / Sebastian Haug / Silke Weinlich (2021)
The Current Column of 15 September 2021

Promoting civil society engagement in Afghanistan
Schetter, Conrad / Bernhard Trautner (2021)
The Current Column of 13 September 2021

UN Climate Change Conference is imminent after Germany’s federal elections
Bauer, Steffen (2021)

The Current Column of 6 September 2021

Four Ways the German Government Can Improve Development Effectiveness
Calleja, Rachael / Heiner Janus (2021)

Blog Future of Globalisation, 03.09.2021

Three misconceptions in the debate about Afghanistan: Why Germany should promote democracy now more so than ever
Leininger, Julia (2021)

The Current Column of 31 August 2021

Germany votes – so what for global governance?
Grimm, Sven / Axel Berger (2021)
Blog Future of Globalisation, 18 August 2021

Beyond climate neutrality
Bassen, Alexander / Jörg Drewes / Markus Fischer / Sabine Gabrysch / Anna-Katharina Hornidge / Karen Pittel / Hans-Otto Pörtner / Sabine Schlacke / Anke Weidenkaff (2021)
Berlin: WBGU - German Advisory Council on Global Change

Why green industrial policy should be a priority area of development cooperation
Altenburg, Tilman (2021)
The Current Column of 1 July 2021

Who should the next federal government co-operate with on sustainability?
Grimm, Sven / Wulf Reiners (2021)
The Current Column of 10 June 2021

Seven principles to guide German development policy
Hornidge, Anna-Katharina / Imme Scholz (2021)
The Current Column of 10 May 2021


Altenburg, Tilman

Grimm, Sven

Hornidge, Anna-Katharina

Reiners, Wulf



14. Erweiterter Lenkungsausausschuss SDSN Germany
It’s the governance,…! Nachhaltigkeitspolitik in der Architektur der nächsten Bundesregierung

Online, 9 September 2021

Virtual Panel Discussion
60 more years? The future of German development policy
Online, 01.09.2021

Mit wem sollte die nächste Bundesregierung zu Nachhaltigkeit kooperieren?


Seven principles to guide German development policy
Hornidge, Anna-Katharina / Imme Scholz (2021)
The Current Column of 10 May 2021

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