Green Industrial Policy

Humanity is confronted with mounting man-made environmental crises, including global warming, depletion of soils and freshwater resources, and loss of biodiversity – mainly because the incentives that guide the way we produce and consume are not accounting for environmental costs. Incentive systems need to change profoundly to ensure that pollution is kept to a minimum, material consumption is reduced, and inputs are reused or recycled to the greatest possible extent. This change needs to happen very soon if catastrophic consequences for this planet and its people are to be avoided.

At the same time, there are social and economic challenges and aspirations. Poverty is still widespread in many countries, and even in rich nations many problems of human development remain unsolved. Thus, we need to pursue economic development and wealth creation while keeping resource consumption and pollution in accordance with Earth’s bio-capacity. This is what Green Industrial Policy is about. It builds on decades of experiences with policies for making the structure of economies more productive and inclusive, but overhauls the set of instruments to systematically redirect them towards environmental sustainability. A new report co-edited with five UN agencies provides guidance for policymakers on how to take action.


Carbon leakage through supply chain adjustments
Wang, Hanyi (2025)

Discussion Paper (10/2025)

How phase-out policies strengthen Europe’s automotive industry
Rogge, Karoline / Nicholas Goedeking / Jörn Hoppmann / Hauke Lütkehaus / Adrian Rinscheid / Aline Scherrer / Daniel Rosenbloom / Qi Song (2025)

EMPOCI: Accelerating sustainable energy-mobility transitions, Policy Briefing 1 (February 2025)

Subventionen für fossile Brennstoffe reduzieren
Böhl Gutierrez, Mauricio (2024)

published on, 28.11.2024

Challenges and opportunities for Just Energy Transition Partnerships in Africa
Tamasiga, Phemelo (2024)

in: Megatrends Afrika Megatrends Policy Brief 30

Industrial policy trends in Germany
Altenburg, Tilman (2024)

Project Documents (LC/TS.2024/101), Santiago: Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC)

Tendencias de la política industrial en Alemania
Altenburg, Tilman (2024)

Documentos de Proyectos (LC/TS.2024/101), Santiago: Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL)

Green industrial policy: how G20 members can foster better practices through disclosure, evaluation, and dialogue
Kleimann, David / Simon Evenett / Ilaria Espa / Clara Brandi (2024)

T20 Brasil, Task Force 6 (Strengthening Multilateralism and Global Governance), Policy Brief

Survey data on climate policy in three countries (Peru, Ghana, Philippines) within the project "Sustainable Middle Classes in Middle Income Countries: Transforming Carbon Consumption Patterns (SMMICC)"
Malerba, Daniele / Babette Never / Hanna Fuhrmann-Riebel / Sascha Kuhn (2024)

Research Data

Hacia una eliminación progresiva y estratégica del subsidio al ACPM en Colombia
Böhl Gutierrez, Mauricio / José Vega Araújo / Elisa Arond (2024)

Policy Brief (25/2024)

A strategic phase-out of Colombia’s diesel subsidy to support the energy transition
Böhl Gutierrez, Mauricio / José Vega Araújo / Elisa Arond (2024)

Policy Brief (20/2024)

Challenges in accelerating net-zero transitions: insights from transport electrification in Germany and California
Rogge, Karoline S. / Nicholas Goedeking (2024)

in: Environmental Research Letters 19 , article 044007

EU-LAC cooperation on climate change and energy transitions
Riaño, Maria Alejandra / Damien Barchiche / Alexia Faus Onbargi / Niels Keijzer (2024)

in: ETTG Collective Report 2/2024, A common future for Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean, Brussels: European Think Tanks Group, Brussels, European Think Tanks Group (ETTG), 15-26

Greening economies in partner countries: priorities for International cooperation
Altenburg, Tilman / Anna Pegels / Mauricio Böhl Gutierrez et al. (2024)

Policy Brief 2/2024

Green hydrogen for sustainable industrial development: a policy toolkit for developing countries
Fokeer, Smeeta / Jan Sievernich / Andrea Heredia / Emanuele Bianco / Yury Melnikov / Rita Strohmaier / Almudena Nunez / Andreas Stamm (2023)

United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)/International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)/German Institut of Development and Sustainability (IDOS), Vienna: UNIDO

Greening cooperation for economic development
Altenburg, Tilman / Anna Pegels (2023)

The Current Column of 22 November 2023

The implementation of sustainability taxonomies: the case of South Africa
Hilbrich, Sören / Kathrin Berensmann / Giovanna Artmann / Sam Ashman / Theresa Herbold / Steffen Lötters-Viehof / Agnese Monti / Felix Paffhausen Stephanie Roigk / Lee-Ann Steenkamp (2023)

Discussion Paper 15/2023

The future of climate and development finance: balancing separate accounting with integrated policy responses
Koch, Svea / Mariya Aleksandrova (2023)

Policy Brief 19/2023

With which H2 can a global hydrogen economy be constructed?
Stamm, Andreas / Rita Strohmaier / Ece Oyan (2023)

The Current Column of 16 October 2023

Green hydrogen: implications for international cooperation: with special reference to South Africa
Stamm, Andreas / Tilman Altenburg / Rita Strohmaier / Ece Oyan / Katharina Thoms (2023)
Discussion Paper 9/2023

Circular business models: policy enablers for plastic packaging alternatives in India
To, Jenny (2023)
Discussion Paper 8/2023

Green hydrogen – support for the just transition?
Altenburg, Tilman / Andreas Stamm / Rita Strohmaier (2023)

The Current Column of 13 March 2023

Integrated approaches for a circular economy in German development cooperation
Never, Babette (2023)
The Current Column of 13 February 2023

Technology assessment in a multilateral science, technology and innovation system
Ladikas, Miltos / Andreas Stamm (2023)

in: Leonhard Hennen et al. (Hrsg.), Technology Assessment in a Globalized World, Cham: Springer, 31-49

Green jobs and the city: towards a just transition in developing countries
Kleibrink, Alexander / Anna Pegels / Michael Fink / Wolfgang Scholz (2023)
Policy Brief 1/2023

China's leapfrogging in electromobility: a story of green transformation driving catch-up and competitive advantage
Altenburg, Tilman / Nicoletta Corrocher / Franco Malerba (2022)

in: Technological Forecasting and Social Change (183), article 121914

Ökologische Strukturpolitik: ein starker Profilbaustein für die deutsche Entwicklungszusammenarbeit
Altenburg, Tilman / Steffen Bauer / Clara Brandi / Michael Brüntrup / Daniele Malerba / Babette Never / Anna Pegels / Andreas Stamm / Jenny To / Ulrich Volz (2022)

Discussion Paper 8/2022

Green jobs in cities: challenges and opportunities in African and Asian intermediary cities
Scholz, Wolfgang / Michael Fink (2022)
Discussion Paper 7/2022

The European Green Deal and the war in Ukraine: Addressing crises in the short and long term
Bolduc, Nathalie / Adis Dzebo / Alexia Faus Onbargi / Gabriela Ileana Iacobuţă / Niels Keijzer / Daniele Malerba (2022)

ETTG-Paper, July 2022

Krieg in der Ukraine: Auswirkungen auf die europäische und deutsche Importstrategie von Wasserstoff und Syntheseprodukten - Impulspapier
Wietschel, Martin et al. (2022)

Karlsruhe: HYPAT/Fraunhofer ISI

Hintergrundpapier zu nachhaltigem grünen Wasserstoff und Syntheseprodukten
Thomann, Jana / Frank, Marscheider-Weidemann / Andreas Stamm / Ludger Lorych / Christoph Hank / Friedrich Weise / Lucas Edenhofer /Zarah Thiel (2022)

In: Working Paper 01/2022, Karlsruhe: HYPAT/Fraunhofer ISI

Green Economy, innovation and quality infrastructure: a baseline study about the relevance of quality infrastructure for innovations in the green economy in Latin America and the Caribbean
Harmes-Liedke, Ulrich / Andreas Stamm (2021)

Braunschweig: Physikalisch-technische Bundesanstalt

Does COVID-19 change the long-term prospects of latecomer industrialisation?
Altenburg, Tilman / Clara Brandi / Anna Pegels / Andreas Stamm / Kasper Vrolijk / Tina Zintl (2021)
Discussion Paper 32/2021

How to make energy efficiency labels more effective: insights from discrete choice experiments in Ghana and the Philippines
Kuhn, Sascha / Kutzner Florian / Thøgersen John (2021)

in: Energy Research & Social Science (84), 1-15

How sustainable is recycling? Reconciling the social, ecological, and economic dimensions in Argentina
Pegels, Anna / Stefanie Heyer / David Ohlig / Felix Kurz / Lena Laux / Prescott Morley (2020)

Discussion Paper 23/2020

Carbon consumption patterns of emerging middle classes
Never, Babette / Jose Ramon Albert / Hanna Fuhrmann / Sebastian Gsell / Miguel Jaramillo / Sascha Kuhn / Bernardin Senadza (2020)

Discussion Paper 13/2020

Creating wealth without labour? Emerging contours of a new techno-economic landscape
Lütkenhorst, Wilfried (2018)

Discussion Paper 11/2018

Taxing carbon in developing countries
Pegels, Anna (2018)

Two Pager 1/2018

Prudent industrial policies should guide markets
Altenburg, Tilman / Wilfried Lütkenhorst (2018)
in: D+C: Development and Cooperation (Monthly e-paper), December 2017, 16-17

Green Industrial Policy: Concept, Policies, Country Experiences
Altenburg, T., & Assmann, C. (Eds.). (2017)
Bonn: UN Environment; German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitk (DIE)

Green transition, industrial policy, and economic development
Kemp, René / Babette Never (2017)
in: Oxford Review of Economic Policy 33 (1), 66-84

Strukturpolitik für Zukunftsaufgaben
Altenburg, Tilman / Wilfried Lütkenhorst (2017)
Die aktuelle Kolumne vom 08.05.2017

Practitioner's guide to strategic green industrial policy
Weinmann, Christoph David / Christina Buczko / Leisa Burrell / Ralph Luken / Anna Pegels (2016)

Taxing carbon as an instrument of green industrial policy in developing countries
Pegels, Anna (2016)
Discussion Paper 23/2016

Deep decarbonization: from technological pathways to societal transformation
Lütkenhorst, Wilfried (2016)
Final synthesis report on the results of a project funded by BMUB and implemented by DIE in cooperation with UNSDSN

Sustainability-oriented innovation systems in China and India
Altenburg, Tilman (ed.) (2016)
Abingdon, UK: Routledge

Comparing low carbon innovation paths in Asia and Europe
Altenburg, Tilman / Ambui Sagar / Hubert Schmitz / Xue Lan (eds.) (2016)
published on Science and Public Policy (Special Issue)

Green hydrogen production in Costa Rica


Green hydrogen for sustainable industrial development: a policy toolkit for developing countries
Fokeer, Smeeta / Jan Sievernich / Andrea Heredia / Emanuele Bianco / Yury Melnikov / Rita Strohmaier / Almudena Nunez / Andreas Stamm (2023)

United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)/ International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)/ German Institut of Development and Sustainability (IDOS), Vienna: UNIDO



Healthy living on a healthy planet
Bassen, Alexander / Jörg E. Drewes / Markus Fischer / Sabine Gabrysch / Anna-Katharina Hornidge / Karen Pittel / Hans-Otto Pörtner / Sabine Schlacke / Claudia Traidl-Hoffmann / Anke Weidenkaff (2023)
Hauptgutachten - vorläufige Fassung (Juni 2023), Berlin: WBGU – Wissenschaftlicher Beirat der Bundesregierung Globale Umweltveränderungen