© U.S. Mission Photo by Eric Bridiers / CC BY-ND 2.0

Strengthening global health

Strong health systems are a prerequisite to receive quality health care. The COVID-19 pandemic and its consequences are putting enormous additional pressure on health systems. Researchers at the German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS) analyse how global health can be strengthened in the coming years. On the one hand, it is a matter of preventing pandemics and epidemics in the future. On the other hand, health systems must become more resilient. Research and advisory services on the topic of health currently encompass three areas at IDOS:

One Health: In order to prevent localised epidemics and continental pandemics it is necessary to view human, animal and environmental health as one unit, as it is in the concept of One Health. Problems such as antibiotic resistance (AMR) or inadequate sanitation and water supply also pose health challenges that must be addressed through integrated approaches and cross-sectoral collaboration. IDOS investigates how these approaches work and how collaboration can be improved, for example through intervention studies and studies on One Health governance, and is making recommendations for action.

Health financing: The sustainable financing of health services is indispensable to guarantee health care for everyone. IDOS examines the effectiveness of various financing instruments - such as social health insurance - and shows how they can become more sustainable and inclusive.

Climate change and Health: Climate change globally influences the spread of pathogens and directly worsens living conditions of vulnerable households. IDOS investigates effective measures to mitigate climate-change induced health risks such as droughts, floods, and vector-borne diseases. The findings support the development of climate-resilient health systems and adaptation strategies for climate challenges in the health sector.


Real consumer food prices and child mortality: evidence from low- and middle-income countries
Usman, Muhammed A. / Daniel A. Mekonnen / Lukas Kornher / Joachim von Braun (2024)

in: Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, 1-27

UN General Assembly High-Level Meeting on Antimicrobial Resistance 2024: Power up One Health to effectively combat antimicrobial resistance!
Srigiri, Srinivasa / Angela R. Schug
The Current Column of 9 September 2024

International rules on health data sharing for a new pandemic agreement
Holzscheiter, Anna / Maria Weickardt Soares (2024)
Policy Brief (23/2024)

The Road to an Equitable Pan-demic Agreement
Strupat, Christoph / Remco van de Pas (2024)
The Current Column of 7 May 2024

Vulnerability and resilience: crisis transmission channels for GVCs in COVID times
El-Haddad, Amirah / Chahir Zaki (2023)

in: Economics Bulletin 43 (4), 1581-1592

How can climate-resilient health systems be successfully established?
Strupat, Christoph 2023)
The Current Column of 27 November 2023

The effect of the WHO safe childbirth checklist on essential delivery practices and birth outcomes: Evidence from a pair-wise matched randomized controlled trial in Pakistan
Kuhnt, Jana / Ashfa Hashmi / Sebastian Vollmer (2023)

in: SSM - Population Helath, first published 23.08.2023, article 101495

Gesundheitsfinanzierung in Zeiten von Mehrfachkrisen: Analyse und Empfehlungen
Strupat, Christoph / Pooja Balasubramanian / Srinivasa Srigiri / Anna-Katharina Hornidge (2023)

Policy Brief 13/2023

Effects of the Indian National Health Insurance Scheme (PM-JAY) on hospitalizations, out- of-pocket expenditures and catastrophic expenditures
Strupat, Christoph / Divya Parmar / Swati Srivastava / Stephan Brenner / Diletta Parisi / Susanne Ziegler / Rupak Neogi / Caitlin Walsh / Manuela De Allegri (2023)
in: Health Systems & Reforms 9 (1), article 2227430

Health financing in times of multiple crises: analysis and recommendation
Strupat, Christoph / Pooja Balasubramanian / Srinivasa Srigiri / Anna-Katharina Hornidge (2023)
Policy Brief 11/2023

Planetary health literacy: a conceptual model
Jochem, Carmen / Julia von Sommoggy / Anna-Katharina Hornidge / Eva-Maria Schwienhorst-Stich / Christian Apfelbacher (2023)

Frontiers in Public Health, first published 16.01.2023

Awareness of India’s national health insurance scheme (PM-JAY): A cross-sectional study across six states
Parisi, Diletta / Swati Srivastava / Christoph Strupat et al. (2022)
in: Health Policy and Planning 38(1)

Die Covid-19-Pandemie: eine gesellschaftliche Konstruktion?
Hornidge, Anna-Katharina / Alma Wisskirchen (2022)

in: Impu!s 2022 (116), 18-19

G7 measures to enhance global health equity and security
Kickbusch, Ilona / Anna-Katharina Hornidge / Githinji Gitahi / Adam Kamradt - Scott (2022)
in: T7 Task Force Global Health Issue Paper, 25 May 2022

Elusive vaccine solidarity – A long shadow over globalisation
Mbeva, Kennedy (2022)
Future of Globalisation Blog, 6 April 2022

Willingness to take COVID-19 vaccination in low-income countries: evidence from Ethiopia
Strupat, Christoph / Zemzem Shigute / Arjun S. Bedi / Matthias Rieger (2022)
in: PLoS ONE 17(3): e0264633

Achieving globally equitable vaccine supply
Strupat, Christoph (2022)

The Current Column of 21 February 2022

Fixing UN financing: a pandora’s box the World Health Organization should open
Gulrajani, Nilima / Sebastian Haug / Silke Weinlich (2022)
in: ODI Briefing/Policy Paper, published on odi.org, 26.01.2022

Health, climate and geopolitical relations
Hornidge, Anna-Katharina (2022)

The Current Column of 17 January 2022

Governing the pandemics: moving towards an assertive institutional environment
Cho, Min Jung / V.S. Saravanan / Eun, K.J. (2021)

in: Journal of Global Health 11

On the right to a safe, clean, healthy and sustainable environment
Faus Onbargi, Alexia / Saravanan V. Subramanian / Katharina Molitor (2021)
The Current Column of 20 December 2021

Does COVID-19 change the long-term prospects of latecomer industrialisation?
Altenburg, Tilman / Clara Brandi / Anna Pegels / Andreas Stamm / Kasper Vrolijk / Tina Zintl (2021)
Discussion Paper 32/2021

Obesity and food away from home: what drives the socioeconomic gradient in excess body weight?
Strupat, Christoph / Gabriela Farfan / Laura Moritz / Mario Negre / Renos Vakis (2021)
in: Economics & Human Biology 43, article 101048

Effects of social protection on health
Strupat, Christoph (2021)
in: Esther Schüring / Markus Loewe (Hrsg.), Handbook on Social Protection Systems, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 608–620

Global access to COVID-19 vaccines: challenges in production, affordability, distribution and utilisation
Stamm, Andreas / Christoph Strupat / Anna-Katharina Hornidge (2021)
Discussion Paper 19/2021

A more ambitious G20 for a sustainable post-pandemic recovery and transformation
Scholz, Imme (2021)
International Development Blog, 8 April 2020

The hidden value of social health insurance: breaking the intergenerational poverty trap?
Strupat, Christoph (2021)
published on poverty-unpacked.org, 24.02.2021

COVID-19 vaccination for all!
Marschall, Paul / Christoph Strupat  (2021)
The Current Column of 1 February 2021

COVID-19 and conservation: crisis response strategies that benefit people and nature
Lehmann, Ina / Jean Carlo Rodríguez / Anna Spenceley (2021)
Briefing Paper 8/2021

The COVID-19 pandemic and structural transformation in Africa: evidence for action
Leininger, Julia / Christoph Strupat / Yonas Adeto / Abebe Shimeles / Wilson Wasike (2021)
Discussion Paper 11/2021

The social value of health insurance: results from Ghana
Garcia-Mandico, Silvia / Arndt Reichert / Christoph Strupat (2021)
in: Journal of Public Economics 194, Online

How “One Health” can prevent pandemics
Strupat, Christoph / Paul Marschall (2020)
The Current Column of 29 April 2020

Mixed and multi-methods to evaluate implementation processes and early effects of the Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana Scheme in seven Indian states
De Allegri, Manuela / Swati Srivastava / Christoph Strupat et al. (2020)
in: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17 (21), article 7812, Online

Coronavirus as an opportunity for international cooperation
Marschall, Paul / Wulf Reiners (2020)
The Current Column of 23 March 2020

Modicare could help India’s poor population
Strupat, Christoph (2019)
The Current Column of 11 March 2019

Public provision of emergency obstetric care: a case study in two districts of Pakistan
Brückmann, Peter / Ashfa Hashmi / Marina Kuch / Jana Kuhnt / Ida Monfared / Sebastian Vollmer (2019)
published in BMJ Open 9 (5) (Online)

Obesity and food away from home: what drives the socioeconomic gradient in excess body weight?
Strupat, Christoph / Gabriela Farfán / Laura Moritz / Mario Negre / Renos Vakis (2019)
Washington, D.C.: World Bank Group (Policy Research Working Paper 9066)

Health risk in urbanizing regions: examining the nexus of infrastructure, hygiene and health in Tashkent Province, Uzbekistan
Subramanian, Saravanan / Min Jung Cho / Fotima Mukhitdinova (2018)

in: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 15 (1), article 2578

Contestation and negotiation of urban health in India: a situated political approach
Subramanian, Saravanan (2018)

in: World Development 104, 375-387

Understanding, examining and tackling health on a global scale
Marschall, Paul / Maike Voss (2018)
The Current Column of 8 October 2018

Crowding out of solidarity? Public health insurance versus informal transfer networks in Ghana
Strupat, Christoph / Florian Klohn (2018)
in: World Development 104 (4), 212-221

The joint effects of a health insurance and a public works scheme in rural Ethiopia
Shigute, Zemzem / Christoph Strupat / Francesco Burchi / Getnet Alemu / Arjun S. Bedi (2017)
Bonn: IZA - Institute of Labor Economics (IZA Discussion Paper Series 10939)

Antenatal care services and its implications for vital and health outcomes of children: evidence from 193 surveys in 69 low- and middle-income countries
Kuhnt, Jana / Sebastian Vollmer (2017)
published on BMJ Open 7 (11)

Do targeted reproductive health services matter? The impact of a midwife program in Indonesia
Strupat, Christoph (2017)
in: Health Economics (online first)

Urbanization and human health in urban India: institutional analysis of water-borne diseases in urban India
Subramanian, Saravanan / Marissa Ayessa Idenal / Shahin Saiyed / Deepak Saxena / Solvay Gerke (2016)

in: Health Policy & Planning 31 (8), 1089–1099

From protection to reduction? The impact of the public health insurance scheme on child labour in Ghana
Strupat, Christoph (2016)
Discussion Paper 16/2016


Health Economics, Development and Climate Change: Challenges and Perspectives in LMICs

Bonn, 27 September 2024

Sciene-Policy Interface Session
Breaking Barriers, Building Bridges: Innovating One Health Governance for Global and Local Action
8th World One Health Congress, Cape Town, 20 Sept. 2024

Virtual Policy Event
Re-considering international health data sharing rules for a new Pandemic Treaty.
Online, 14 May 2024

Pandemic prevention: a planetary health perspective
Berlin, 01.12.2023

Side-event World Health Summit
One Health Governance: Putting Policy into Practice

Berlin, 17.10.2023

Virtual Event
Financing the future of multilateralism: lessons from the WHO for reforming the UN

Online, 12 July 2022

Virtual Event
Globale Gesundheitsvorsorge
Online, 9 May 2022

Virtual Event
Governing Planetary Health in an Unequal World

Online, 27 April 2022

Online Roundtable
Covid-19 and its impact on the informal economy in Sub-Saharan Africa
Online, 10 February 2021

GLF Biodiversity Conference Session
Protected areas in a post-COVID world
Online, 28 October 2020

Beiräte im Gespräch
Gesundheit und nachhaltige Entwicklung: Impulse aus Wissenschaft und Politik
Online, 22 July 2020

Beiräte im Gespräch
Gesundheit und nachhaltige Entwicklung: Impulse aus der Praxis
Online, 24 July 2020


The Road to an Equitable Pan-demic Agreement
Strupat, Christoph / Remco van de Pas (2024)
The Current Column of 7 May 2024

WBGU Flagship Report


Effects of the Indian National Health Insurance Scheme (PM-JAY) on hospitalizations, out- of-pocket expenditures and catastrophic expenditures
Strupat, Christoph / Divya Parmar / Swati Srivastava / Stephan Brenner / Diletta Parisi / Susanne Ziegler / Rupak Neogi / Caitlin Walsh / Manuela De Allegri (2023)
in: Health Systems & Reforms 9 (1), article 2227430

Im Fokus

Health financing in times of multiple crises: analysis and recommendation
Strupat, Christoph / Pooja Balasubramanian / Srinivasa Srigiri / Anna-Katharina Hornidge (2023)
Policy Brief 11/2023


Healthy living on a healthy planet
Bassen, Alexander / Jörg E. Drewes / Markus Fischer / Sabine Gabrysch / Anna-Katharina Hornidge / Karen Pittel / Hans-Otto Pörtner / Sabine Schlacke / Claudia Traidl-Hoffmann / Anke Weidenkaff (2023)
Hauptgutachten - vorläufige Fassung (Juni 2023), Berlin: WBGU – Wissenschaftlicher Beirat der Bundesregierung Globale Umweltveränderungen