Münch, Florian

Florian Münch
Transformation of Economic and Social Systems
Former Researcher
The information reflects the status at the time of employment
6/2018-9/2018 | German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) Researcher, Research Programme "Transformation of Economic and Social Systems" |
9/2017-5/2018 | German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) Postgraduate Programme: Öffentliche Beschaffung in Costa Rica: Ein Hebel, um nachhaltige Wertschöpfungsketten zu fördern? |
6/2016-8/2016 | Center for Social Sciences and Humanities, New Delhi Visiting Researcher |
5/2015-9/2015 | Government Department, Georgetown University, Washington D.C. Research Assistant |
6/2014-8/2014 | German Ministry of Finance Intern |
7/2013-9/2013 | European Bank for Reconstruction and Development Intern |
5/2013-7/2013 | Office Member of Parliament, German Bundestag Intern, Economic Committee |
Member of
- Alumni Heinrich-Böll-Foundation
- Alumni Silvius-und-Esther-Dornier-Foundation
Current Publications
![[Translate to English:] Cover: The making of an International Investment Facilitation Framework: legal, political and economic perspectives](/fileadmin/user_upload/bilder/publikationen/Cover_externe_publikationen/Berger_Chi_Making_of_Int_Investment_Fascilitation_Framwork.jpg)
Economic impacts of an Investment Facilitation for Development Agreement
Balistreri, Edward J. / Zoryana Olekseyuk (2025)
Standing up for Istanbul’s mayor will strengthen European security
Sinanoglu, Semuhi (2025)

Underutilised crops in Europe: an interdisciplinary approach towards sustainable practices
McClatchie, Meriel / Matterne, Véronique / Rovira Buendia, Núria / ... / Banerjee, Aparajita et al. (2025)
Time to strengthen the EU's engagement in fragile and conflict-affected states
Bergmann, Julian / Abi Watson (2025)