The role of networks in accelerating NDC implementation through south/south and triangular cooperation

Event Type

Location / Date
Bonn, 07.05.2018



The International Network of Climate Change Centres of Excellence and Think Tanks for Capacity Building, INCCCETT 4CB is an international collaborative initiative that was launched during COP22 to support collaboration and exchange between international climate change think tanks. Under the 13 founding members there are inter alia the African Center for Technology Studies (ACTS), the Inter American Institute for Global Change Research  (IAI), the Centre de Compétences Changement Climatique (4C),  Institut du Développement Durable et des Relations Internationales (IDDRI),  RedeClima Brazil, the German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) and Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI).

During SB48, which took place in Bonn from April 30 to May 10, INCCCETT 4 CB warmly invited to a side event on the role of networks in accelerating NDC implementation through south/south and triangular cooperation.

We were honoured to welcome Nezha El Ouafi, State Secretary for Sustainable Development and President of 4C Maroc, Morocco, and Norbert Gorißen, Head of Division International Climate Finance, International Climate Initiative Federal Ministry of the Environment,NatureConservancy and Nuclear Safety BMU, Germany (tbc).


Opening remarks and introductio

  • Bouzekri Razi, Head of Department Climate Change and Green Economy, State Secretariat for Sustainable Development, Kingdom of Morocco - Rabat
  • Norbert Gorißen, Head of Division International Climate Finance, International Climate Initiative Federal Ministry of the Environment, NatureConservancy and Nuclear Safety BMU, Germany (tbc)

Scope, mission and steps forward of INCCCETT 4CB

  • Mohamed Boussaid, giz/4C & Ibon Galarraga – BC3

Signature of the memorandum of understanding of INCCCETT 4CB

African Vulnerability and the need for Capacity Building

  • Lassina Coulibaly, Environment and Sustainable Development Agency of Mali

Knowledge brokering for south-south-north learning

  • Holger Hoff, Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI)

Transdisciplinary research cooperation on slow onset climate change events

  • Denise Matias, German Development Insitute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE)

Q&A and discussion moderated by

  • Steffen Bauer, German Development Insitute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE)

Wrap up

Drinks and food


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Event information

Date / Time

07.05.2018 / 15:00 - 17:00


Klimalog Website
