The good, the bad and the global: Supporting governance in a world without borders

Event Type
Sector Days Good Governance 2015

Location / Date
Berlin, 06.10.2015 until 07.10.2015


German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE)
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)

GIZ’s biannual sector days on good governance and human rights took place from 6 to 8 October in Berlin. Thematic panel discussions and workshops on 6 and 7 October were organised jointly with the German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE). This year’s theme “Supporting governance in a world without borders” put the focus on the challenges and opportunities which governance support encounters in a globalized context.

Climate change, the rise of mega cities, the digital transformation, the increase of worldwide inequality, growing migration due to an increasing number of violent conflicts, under-regulated financial flows – no state can devise effective solutions to these and other global challenges on its own. In fact, the need for new forms of cooperation is stronger today than ever before since local approaches must be incorporated in multilateral agreements, and global challenges cannot be effectively met by approaches focusing solely on the national level.

This fact brings us to the heart of the debate on the post-2015 development agenda which is to bring together development goals and sustainability goals in one global agenda, for which industrialised, emerging and developing nations will be jointly responsible.

The Sector Days Good Governance were to help improve our understanding of the global agendas and the development of global partnerships in terms of good governance and human rights, as well as to discuss the range of services we offer partner countries and bring these services into line with the demands of sustainable development for the global common good.

Panels and workshops on 6 and 7 October featured, among others, DIE's Jörn Grävingholt, Christian von Haldenwang, Julia Leininger, Benjamin Schraven and Kai Striebinger

DIE Director Dirk Messner held the closing address on 7 October.


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Event information


06.10.2015 until 07.10.2015


Umweltforum Berlin
Pufendorfstr. 11
10249 Berlin

Event Website

For more information see the event website