The Changing Landscape of Sustainability Governance. What next for VSS?

Event Type
International Workshop

Location / Date
Bonn, 31.03.2025 until 01.04.2025



The UNFSS Academic Advisory Council (AAC) annual meeting brings together an international mix of academic and policy experts from various disciplines and backgrounds to consolidate the knowledge on Voluntary Sustainability Standards (VSS) and contribute to a comprehensive understanding of VSS effectiveness. This year’s edition will build on these discussions and focus on additional ramifications taking place in the global sustainability governance landscape and what this implies for future research. In addition, we aim to take stock of what we know about the achievements and impact of VSS so far and how the policy and research agenda on impact and effectiveness can be further developed towards the future.


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Event information


31.03.2025 until 01.04.2025


German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS)
Tulpenfeld 6
53113 Bonn


-- by invitation only --


Photo: Doris Theisen is Team-Assistance in the research programme "Transformation of Economic and Social Systems"

Doris Theisen
Team-Assistance, Research Department “Transformation of Economic and Social Systems

Phone +49 (0)228 94927-209