Sustainability science in a Global North-South dialogue
Event Type
Round Table Discussion
Location / Date
Bonn, 18.07.2024
Bonn Research Alliance (BORA), German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS), Center for Development Research (ZEF), University of Bonn TRA Individuales and Societies
Sustainability science (Nachhaltigkeitsforschung) aims to provide solutions to the multiple socio-ecological crises by working beyond ‘modern’ disciplinary boundaries. At this Round Table, we will first discuss how sustainability science is conceptualized and organized in Bolivia, Ghana, Indonesia, and Germany. Second, we will discuss how we can interlink the interdisciplinary field of sustainability science on a global scale.
- Dr. Suraya Afiff (University of Indonesia, Depok, Indonesia)
- Dr. Constance Akurugu (University of Business and Integrated Development Studies, Wa, Ghana)
- Dr. Estela Herbas (Bolivian Catholic University, Cochabamba, Bolivia)
- Dr. Stephen Nkansah Morgan (College of Humanities, Accra, Ghana)
- Prof. Mangku Purnomo (Brawijaya University, Indonesia)
- Dr. Fernanda Wanderley (Bolivian Catholic University, La Paz, Bolivia)
- Dr. Tina Beuchelt (University of Bonn, Center for Development Research ZEF)
- Jun-Prof. Lisa Biber-Freudenberger (University of Bonn, Center for Development Research ZEF)
- Dr. Sandra Gilgan (University of Bonn, Bonn Research Alliance BORA)
- Prof. Kristina Großmann (University of Bonn, Institute of Oriental and Asian Studies)
- Dr. Jonas Hein (German Institute of Development and Sustainability IDOS, Bonn)
- Dr. Dennis Lucy Avilés Irahola (University of Bonn, Center for Development Research ZEF)
The Round Table is funded by the TRA Individuals, Institutions and Societies (University of Bonn) as part of the Excellence Strategy of the federal and state governments and by the German Committee Future Earth.
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Event information
Date / Time18.07.2024 / 15:30 - 18:00
LocationGerman Institute of Development and Sustainability IDOS
Tulpenfeld 6
53113 Bonn
Room East Asia

Dr. Jonas Hein
Senior Researcher
Phone +49 (0)228 94927-331
Fax +49 (0)228 94927-130