Supply shortage in medical devices in the Corona-crisis – Is the solution stockpiling and less international trade?

Event Type
Online Panel

Location / Date
Online, 04.09.2020


G20 Trade and Investment Research Network (TIRN, German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE)

On the occasion of the launch of the G20 Trade and Investment Research Network (TIRN), we invited to join our online discussion. TIRN is a cross-country, independent, network of trade and investment policy researchers whose shared goal is to provide substantive, research-backed analysis to support G20 leaders’ deliberations.

The ongoing Corona-crisis has brought the vulnerability of societies relying on highly efficient global value chains (GVC) and single suppliers for specific goods to the fore. During the crisis, most countries suffered a shortage of simple as well as technologically complex medical devices (e.g. face masks and ventilators respectively). A fierce competition for these devices has emerged, leading to trade restrictions and aggravating already existing trade tensions, but also to a discussion about the organization of supply-chains and the need for national emergency stockpiling of medical devices.

The event aimed at discussing the challenges emerging from these experiences for domestic and international health care systems as well as their solutions. The discussion of the developments in this important sector led to important conclusions for the future of the world trading system. The online discussion featured a group of eminent experts from politics and academia and will be conducted in an interactive manner allowing for questions by participants.


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Event information

Date / Time

04.09.2020 / 16:00 - 17:00




Photo: Axel Berger, Senior Researcher,   Research programme: Transformation of Economic and Social Systems

Axel Berger


Phone +49 (0)228 94927-247