Social protection and social cohesion
Event Type
Virtual panel discussion and publication launch
Location / Date
Online, 15.06.2022
European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes (EADI) / German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE)
While there is substantial evidence of the effect of social protection on poverty, inequality and vulnerability, limited research has focused on societal and political outcomes so far. The European Journal of Development Research (EUDR) is publishing a special issue on “Social Protection and Social Cohesion”, which is guest-edited by Francesco Burchi, Markus Loewe and Daniele Malerba from the German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE). It includes eight articles examining how social protection contributes to social cohesion – that is vertical and horizontal trust in society, inclusive identity and cooperation for the common good – but also how social cohesion affects the implementation and effectiveness of social protection programmes. The special issue sheds light on three world regions and various forms of social protection. The main results will be presented and discussed in a virtual panel discussion, which is going to be held by the EADI secretariat in co-operation with DIE on 15 June 2022.
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- Natalia Lorenzoni (EUDR, Bonn)
- Daniele Malerba (DIE, Bonn)
- Keetie Roelen (IDS, Brighton)
- Eliud Okumu Ongowo (Egerton University-Kenya)
- Francesco Burchi (DIE, Bonn)
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Event information
Date / Time15.06.2022 / 15:00 - 16:30

Dr. Markus Loewe
Senior Researcher, Research programme “Transformation of Economic and Social Systems”