Social Cohesion in Displacement Contexts
Event Type
7th IDOS International Migration and Displacement Workshop
Location / Date
Bonn, 23.09.2025
German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS)
In an increasingly globalized world, displacement, migration, and (im)mobility are a socio-political phenomenon that countries must respond and adapt to. Displacement, both cross-border and internal, presents unique challenges for communities hosting displaced people, particularly given how fraught the politics of displacement can be. Social cohesion is increasingly recognized as an important condition for the stability of societies and the wellbeing of its members, a societal glue so to speak. Displacement presents a particular challenge for societies’ cohesiveness. In a world where this ‘glue’ that holds societies together is challenged by a multitude of factors, including rising inequality and discontent with public institutions, finding avenues how host countries and communities can support and increase social cohesion in response to displacement, will leave them better prepared to respond to future environmental, political, and economic shocks.
This workshop aims to gather answers to the question: How is social cohesion affected in different contexts of displacement where there is wide demographic, cultural, religious, and political diversity? With regard to different, interlocking forms of displacement, the workshop panels and interactive activities will examine different types of displacement, from conflict, to environmental, to economic stressors. National and community-level histories, including the effects of colonialism, and cultures of human mobility, play a significant role in setting the conditions for social cohesion across different displacement contexts. These long-term processes shape the degree to which national and local identity is inclusive, how the concept of common good is locally understood, and how displaced people and host communities have built mutual trust.
The event will feature discussions, papers, and interactive activities that speak to both policy makers and research. By bringing together different communities of practice, as well as perspectives from different regions of the world, the Social Cohesion in Displacement Contexts workshop will serve as a vehicle for supporting data-driven policy making, and a space for identifying new avenues for displacement research.
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Event information
Date23.09.2025 until 25.09.2025
-- By invitation only --
Call for papers