SDSN Leadership Council meeting in Berlin

Event Type
Frühjahrstreffen Leadership Council

Location / Date
Berlin, 13.07.2017



More than 60 SDSN Leadership Council members and representatives from around 20 national and regional SDSN networks came together on this year's spring meeting of the global SDSN Leadership Council (LC) in Berlin on 30 and 31 May 2017. The session took place in close association with the T20 summit (29 and 30 May). The German Parliamentary Secretary of State Thomas Silberhorn welcomed the LC members at the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development. On its second day, the LC meeting was held at the European School for Management and Technology (ESMT), with the participation of German State Secretary Jochen Flassbarth (BMUB). More than 60 Leadership Council members

The main focus of the discussion were the challenges ahead of the SDSN and its dedication to the implementation of the Agenda 2030 and the Paris Climate Agreement. The role of universities and business for the implementation of SDGs was another issue for discussion. The SDSN Leadership Council and T20 co-chairs agreed on closer cooperation in particular on the Long-Term Transformation Pathways Initiative (LTTPI). A separate meeting of the LC was devoted to the "Food, Agriculture, Biodiversity, Land-use, and Energy" project, which was co-organized by German SDSN members within the framework of The World in 2050 (TWI). Regional and national network managers focused on potential initiatives during a one-day workshop.

SDSN Germany, together with the German Network for Business Ethics (DNWE) and the 2° Foundation, invited over 80 members of the SDSN Leadership Council and leading representatives from the German business sector on 30 May. The business dinner under the theme "Transformative businesses for sustainable societies" was hosted by Deutsche Telekom at their representative office in Berlin. On 31 May, SDSN Germany welcomed more than 200 participants to the public discussion "Another America - another Europe", organized jointly with the Friedrich Ebert Foundation. Gesine Schwan and Jeffrey Sachs discussed the role of current political developments and sustainability at the State Library in Berlin. The next SDSN Leadership Council will be held on 21 and 22 September 2017 in New York on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly.


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Event information

Date / Time

13.07.2017 / 11:58 - 11:58


Global SDSN