Science based engagement - how to get the data out there
Event Type
Development and Climate Days 2018
Location / Date
Katowice, Poland, 08.12.2018
German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre
Scientific research and data is crucial for understanding, modelling, and predicting the effects of climate change and designing appropriate policy responses. However, to foster the implementation of data based solutions and hold policy makers accountable for their decisions, the public needs to be able to access and use this data in a comprehensive way. This poses new challenges for scientific institutions, which have in the past usually not provided access to original data, but only communicated conclusions in the form of statements or press releases. Now, these same institutions need to come up with new forms of editing their data to make it understandable and useable for wider audiences and with new technological solutions to make it freely accessible worldwide. This session will discuss innovative approaches to provide data access and support the mobilization of the public for the fight against climate change.
The session will consist of Pecha Kucha presentations and an interactive panel discussion during which we will collect the audience's opinions with a virtual survey.
Confirmed speakers:
- Gabriela Iacobuta (German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE))
- Pablo Suarez (Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre)
- Susan Zhu (Treasure Carbon)
- Luis Francisco Thais (UNDP)
Session Facilitator and moderator: Astrid Dirksen
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Event information
Date / Time08.12.2018 / 15:00 - 16:30
Hotel Diament Arsenal
Paderewskiego 35
41-500 Chorzów
Katowice, Poland
Klimalog @DCdays
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