Research Colloquium on Triangular Cooperation

Event Type
Research Colloquium

Location / Date
Online, 03.12.2024


German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS), Instituto Mora (Mexico), University of the Sunshine Coast (USC) (Australia) and Technical University Darmstadt (Germany).

Triangular cooperation brings together partners across the North-South divide to address development-related concerns and strengthen partnerships. Triangular schemes often consist of multilateral bodies and traditional donors supporting (bilateral) South-South cooperation endeavours and have been said to centre on three sets of roles: beneficiaries, pivotals and facilitators. The monthly Research Colloquium on Triangular Cooperation brings together scholars from across the globe who investigate triangular cooperation through practice-oriented and/or theoretical approaches. Co-hosted by IDOS since February 2023, the Colloquium is a space for scholars of all ages and levels of expertise to present and discuss their study designs or results and benefit from others’ experiences and insights. Exchanges in the Colloquium are guided by the same principles that are said to apply to triangular cooperation initiatives: equal access and voice for all participants, openness to unexpected findings, and attempts to build upon others’ contributions. The Colloquium is held online and is co-organised with Instituto Mora (Mexico), the University of the Sunshine Coast (Australia) and Technical University Darmstadt (Germany).

Please get in touch with Sebastian Haug in case you would like to know more about the Colloquium or ongoing IDOS research on triangular cooperation.


Programme (2024)

The time slot for all sessions was 8 am (Mexico City time). Please make sure to calculate the time difference re: your location in light of changes to daylight saving time.


20 FEBRUARY (Tuesday)
Topic: Research design presentation: identifying mutual implementation opportunities for international peatland cooperation
Presenter: Aylin Altiparmak (Germany)
Chair: Uli Müller

20 MARCH (Wednesday)
Topic: Agriculture for development partnerships and triangular cooperation
Presenter: Courtney Anderson (Australia)
Chair: Sebastian Haug

24 APRIL (Wednesday)
Topic: India’s role in triangular climate cooperation: early stage presentation
Presenter: Pooja Ramamurthi (India)
Chair: Sebastian Haug

28 MAY (Tuesday)
Topic: China's engagement with trilateral cooperation (2011-2022): insights and future perspectives
Presenter: Helen Morales Piñeiro (Mexico)
Chair: Citlali Ayala

18 JUNE (Tuesday)
Topic: The closeness between South-South cooperation and triangular cooperation in Ibero-America: the case of migration projects within the Mexico-Chile Fund
Presenter: Sergio Vázquez (Mexico)
Chair: Sebastian Haug

30 JULY (Tuesday)
Topic: New segment of Brazilian development cooperation: an analysis of the creation of Trilateral South-South Cooperation Centers in partnership with the UN
Presenter: Jenifer Santana (Brazil)
Chair: Citlali Ayala

27 AUGUST (Tuesday)
Topic: Research outcome presentation: identifying mutual implementation opportunities for international peatland cooperation
Presenter: Aylin Altiparmak (Germany)
Chair: Uli Müller

23 SEPTEMBER (Monday)
Topic: Joint evaluations of triangular cooperation
Presenter: Henrike Buch (Germany)
Chair: Citlali Ayala

22 OCTOBER (Tuesday)
Topic: India’s role in triangular climate cooperation: findings and implications
Presenter: Pooja Ramamurthi (India)
Chair: Sebastian Haug

12 NOVEMBER (Tuesday)
Topic: “Rising powers and the politics of differentiated responsibilities in global development”: insights into ongoing conversations about South-South and triangular cooperation from a forthcoming book
Presenter: Laura Trajber Waisbich (Brazil/UK)
Chair: Uli Müller

3 DECEMBER (Tuesday)
Topic: The evaluation of triangular cooperation initiatives in Latin America and the Caribbean: new methodologies or same practices?
Presenter: Sergio Vázquez (Mexico)
Chair: Sebastian Haug


Sessions in 2025...




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Event information






All sessions start at 8am (UTC−6)


Photo: Sebastian Haug

Sebastian Haug
German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS)
Phone +49 (0)228 94927-190
Fax +49 (0)228 94927-130


Citlali Ayala
Instituto Mora (Mexico)


Uli Müller
Technical University Darmstadt (Germany)


Libby Swanepoel
University of the Sunshine Coast (Australia)


To the publication

Funding South-South and triangular cooperation at the United Nations: what do we know?
Haug, Sebastian / Weinlich, Silke (2023)

in: Dag Hammarskjölf Foundation / UN Multi-Donor Trust Fund Office (Hrsg.), Financing the UN Development System: Choices in Uncertain Times, New York City: Dag Hammarskjölf Foundation and UN Multi-Donor Trust Fund Office, 190-197


To the publication

Triangular cooperation with the Arab region: policies, perspectives and practices of DAC members
Haug, Sebastian (2023)

in: United Nations Office for South-South Cooperation


To the publication

Partnerships for policy transfer: how Brazil and China engage in triangular cooperation with the United Nations
Waisbich, Laura Trajber / Sebastian Haug (2022)

Discussion Paper 15/2022