Regrouping back better: Reviving the Bonn Climate Group
Event Type
Bonn Climate Group Meeting
Location / Date
Bonn, 17.05.2023
Bonn Climate Group
Welcome note& introduction by the co-hosts
- Dr. Steffen Bauer, IDOS
- Mathias Boehning, WEASC
„Tour de table“ with introductions
“If you think 20 years ahead, what will you and your organization be remembered for as a unique part of the Bonn Climate Group?”
COP27, SB58, COP28: Issues, prospects, challenges
- Sergey Kononov, UNFCCC Secretariat
Exchange on the „Global Stocktake“ under the Paris Agreement
- Tanja Beck, IDOS
- Mathias Boehning, WEASC
„Vision Casting“: Bonn plans to be climate-neutral by 2023
„What do wish for the Bonn Climate Group to have achieved by then?“
Outlook & wrapup
Announcements by ICLEI and IRENA
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Event information
LocationGerman Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS)
Tulpenfeld 6
D-53113 Bonn

Steffen Bauer
Senior Researcher and Head of Klimalog
Phone +49 (0)228 94927-153