Ocean Governance: Action insights and foreshadowing challenges
Event Type
Virtual Conference
Location / Date
Online, 19.11.2020
German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research (ZMT), in cooperation with the European network funding programme "Cooperation of Science and Technology” (COST)
We were excited to welcome researchers and policy makers from more than 29 countries to reflect on the last four years of the Action and to discuss new developing topics and upcoming challenges to the future of our oceans through a series of scientific panels, as well as keynotes featuring: Edward H Allison, Principal Scientist at WorldFish reflecting on: “Equity and Justice in the Blue Economy”; Yoshitaka Ota, Director Nippon Foundation Ocean Nexus, University of Washington, elaborating on: “Ocean Equity: why should we care?”; and Kristina Gjerde, Senior High Seas Policy Advisor for the International Union for Conservation of Nature, Marine and Polar Program, who explored on “Advancing towards effective and equitable governance of the global ocean beyond national boundaries: progress, prospects and next steps”, as well as concluding addresses by Anna-Katharina Hornidge, Director of DIE and Chair of the Action, and César Giraldo Herrera, Scientific Coordinator of the Conference (ZMT and Institute for Science Innovation and Society (InSIS), University of Oxford.
These keynotes frame a series of panels bringing together contributions from the six working groups composing the COST Action OceanGov to reflect on the EU’s ocean agenda over the past years, as well as addressing new topics in academic scholarship and policy-making on ocean governance in the European context. The panels thus range from more thematically oriented panels derived from the working groups of the network to panels tackling arising ocean governance challenges (e.g. sustainable Blue Economy, the development of integrative regional approaches and strategies, Marine Emerging Infectious Diseases). The conference explores the governance of the oceans from multiple approaches and varied disciplinary traditions, illustrating empirical and/or conceptual contributions around Europe and beyond.
About the European COST Project "Ocean Governance for Sustainability"
For several years now, the European Union has been increasingly interested in questions of sustainable ocean management. Above all, an impression of great conceptual fragmentation and missing connections of local, regional, national and global approaches becomes apparent. The aim of the four-year European COST project "Ocean Governance for Sustainability" is to address problems of current legislations and regulations in a transdisciplinary way to adapt existing strategies in research and policy. The integrative approach brings together natural, social and human sciences, as well as international know-how is a specific feature of the COST projects funded by the European Union. The final virtual conference will be the last network conference of the project established in September 2016 in Brussels under the direction of Anna-Katharina Hornidge (then ZMT, now DIE).
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Event information
Date19.11.2020 until 20.11.2020
Video: Ocean governance
Cesar Giraldo Herrera
Scientific coordination of the Conference
Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research (ZMT and Institute for Science Innovation and Society (InSIS), University of Oxford)
E-mail cesar.herrera@leibniz-zmt.de
Hannah Jansen
Coordination Office
Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research (ZMT)
E-mail hannah.jansen@leibniz-zmt.de