Making gender mainstreaming happen in development cooperation

Event Type
Internationaler Workshop

Location / Date
Bonn, 19.05.2011


Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) in cooperation with the Asian Development Bank (ADB)

The aim of the workshop is a constructive exchange about approaches to development cooperation strategies regarding gender questions and of practice-oriented instruments for the promotion of equal opportunities and women’s rights. Experiences from Asia, the Pacific region and German development cooperation are at the center of the workshop.

Moderators: Regine Mehl (DIE)

Shireen Lateef (ADB), Senior Advisor (Gender)
Sabine Lindemann (BMZ), Head of Division 204 (Human Rights; Gender Equality; Culture and Development)
Sabine Gürtner (GIZ), Programme Manager (Gender Equality and Women’s Rights)
Inga Müller (KfW), Economist, Development Policy Research
Anke Stock (WECF/Germany), Coordinator (Gender and Rights)

External participants are welcome. To register and for further information, please contact Clara Brandi.


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Bonn, Tulpenfeld 6, 53117 Bonn