Final synthesis conference “Local feminist perspectives as transformation levers for greater gender equality”
Event Type
Location / Date
Berlin, 19.03.2025
For this synthesis conference, planned as a one-day event, we aim to offer a mix of formats that facilitate discussions on feminisms in different contexts and critical exchanges on the potentials and limits of feminist approaches to development. We recognise the political sensitivities that are linked to questions of gender equality and feminisms given anti-democratic and anti-gender campaigns in different contexts all over the world. In response to these challenging circumstances, we, together with our partners, seek to create a space to exchange and particularly confront anti-feminist trends.
As part of the research project ‘Local feminist perspectives as transformation levers for greater gender equality’ we want to invite you to its final conference on March 19th 2025 in Berlin. In this project, IDOS has partnered up with three organisations, the Gender Studies and Human Rights Documentation Centre (Ghana), the Goa Institute of Management (India) and Gender in Detail (Ukraine) to identify and analyse contemporary local feminist perspectives in Ghana, India, and Ukraine. It explores how local feminist perspectives can be used as levers for transformative change for greater gender equality.
The three partner organisations have conducted studies that help to better understand various local feminist perspectives within their respective contexts and to formulate policy recommendations. In the synthesis study, the team at IDOS took feminist foreign and development policy approaches as a starting point and looked for broader thematic and conceptual lines informed by the partners’ work. By following an explorative and participatory approach, the project stresses the diversity of local feminist perspectives. We see these diversities as a strong asset while still pointing to common learnings for gender (in)equalities.
Moderated by Alexandra Antwi-Boasiako.
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Event information
Date / Time19.03.2025 / 10:00 - 16:30
Locationmartas Hotel Albrechtshof Berlin
Albrechtstraße 8
10117 Berlin
Funded by GIZ & IDOS

Programme “Local feminist perspectives as transformation levers for greater gender equality” (PDF)

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)