Launch of the Social Cohesion Seminar Series
Event Type
Virtual Launch Event
Location / Date
Online, 28.09.2021
World Bank, German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE)
This is the first event of the Social Cohesion Online Event Series, organized by the Social Sustainability and Inclusion Global Practice Team at the World Bank and the Social Cohesion Team at the German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE). The purpose of this seminar series is bringing together leading researchers of diverse disciplines, policy-makers and practitioners of national and international organisations to discuss new insights in the area of social cohesion as well as their implications for development cooperation.
In this first virtual event, researchers from DIE‘s Social Cohesion Team will present ongoing work on the concept of social cohesion, a proposal for its measurement in Africa and will discuss the implications for policy-making and development cooperation with colleagues from the World Bank and other external speakers.
- Louise Cord, The World Bank, Global Director
- Jose Cuesta, The World bank – Global Lead - Data & Analytics
- Nikolas Myint, The World Bank - Global Lead, Social Cohesion and Resilience
- Julia Leininger, Head of Research programme “Transformation of Political (Dis-)order”
- Francesco Burchi, Senior Researcher in the research programme: „Transformation of Economic and Social Systems“
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Event information
Date / Time28.09.2021 / 15:00 - 16:00
Please register via