Dialogue Forum on Sustainable Public Procurement 2021 - Latest Developments in E-Procurement, Verification Options, Joint and Circular Procurement
Event Type
Online forum
Location / Date
Online, 27.09.2021
German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), Immobilien Bremen and the Service Agency Communities in One World
For the fourth time in a row, the Dialogue Forum on Sustainable Public Procurement (SPP) will take place this year from September 27-30. In close cooperation with the Service Agency Communities in One World (SKEW) of Engagement Global, this year’s joint organizers are the Purchasing and Procurement Center of the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen and the German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE).
The Dialogue Forum will bring together experts from Europe, Sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America for a cross-border exchange. Participants come from the fields of strategic and operational procurement as well as from civil society, business, research and politics. We will provide simultaneous translation throughout the event (German, English and Spanish). The documentation of last year's forum offers an insight into the dynamics of the event format. Like last year, the Dialogue Forum 2021 will take place digitally.
In terms of content, participants can look forward to inspiring insights and discussions in the following topic areas:
- E-procurement solutions as a catalyst for sustainable public procurement (Sept 27)
- Options for demanding and verifying sustainability in procurement (Sep 28)
- Joint procurement to pool expertise and purchasing power (Sep 29).
- Procurement 'Cradle to Cradle' - Circular Economy for SPP (Sep 30).
In each topic area, participants will receive an overview of the status quo from experts. In addition, we strongly focus on the presentation of best practices and an intensive exchange in a large round and parallel sessions. Participation is possible for the entire event as well as for specific topics on individual days.
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Event information
Date27.09.2021 until 30.09.2021
For digital participation, please register via email to socioeconomic@idos-research.de. Registration deadline: 19 September 2021.

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