Knowledge sharing for global development – Building up new partnerships

Event Type
Public Lecture with World Bank Managing Director

Location / Date
Bonn, 17.11.2011


German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) in cooperation with The World Bank

The World Bank is positioning itself as a knowledge institution – not just a lending bank – by creating, sharing and applying knowledge for development. World Bank Managing Director Mahmoud Mohieldin presented the recently published comprehensive report on the topic: "Knowledge for Development". The report recognizes that knowledge, not financial capital alone, is key to sustained economic growth and improvements in human well-being. It surveys how the landscape for knowledge is changing, with the growth of new centres of learning, enabling technology, partnerships, and recognition of the value of learning from global experience. And it very clearly recognizes that institutions like the World Bank do not have all the answers, but opening up the Bank will help others find answers.

Development institutions can be powerful enablers when they partner with others and move from centralized, expert-led, linear models to collaborative, open and networked approaches that connect expertise. In 2010, the World Bank launched the Open Knowledge initiative, which aims at rendering its knowledge work more accessible to a broad base of stakeholders in client countries, covering both government and civil society.


  • Introduction:
    Imme Scholz
    Deputy Director, German Development Institute

Guest Lecture:

  • Knowledge sharing for global development – Building up new partnerships
    Mahmoud Mohieldin,
    Managing Director, The World Bank, Washington, D.C.


  • Andreas Stamm
    Department "Competitiveness and Social Development", German Development Institute

Mahmoud Mohieldin is a World Bank Managing Director and Chair of the organization’s Knowledge and Learning Council. To this respect, Mr. Mohieldin has taken a fresh look at the Bank’s knowledge strategy with the objective to develop a systemic approach for managing the emerging challenges in the changing knowledge landscape. As the World Bank’s representative at the G20 Deputies Meetings, he also oversees the Bank’s work in support of the G20 agenda.
Prior to joining the World Bank, Mr. Mohieldin held numerous positions in the Government of Egypt and served on several Boards of Directors in the Central Bank of Egypt and the corporate sector. He was a member of the Commission on Growth and Development and selected a Young Global Leader of the World Economic Forum in 2005.


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Event information




Bonn, Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE)