Klimalog Side Events at the UN Climate Change Conference 2016 (COP22)
Event Type
Cop22 Side Events
Location / Date
Marrakesh, 07.11.2016
German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE)
7 November 2016, 15:00-16:30, Green Zone
The potential of private sector adaptation – a focus on Africa
Organized by: Pieter Pauw, German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) and Adis Dzebo (SEI)
Among the Parties to the UNFCCC, and in the context of the Green Climate Fund in particular, there is a strong expectation that a substantial share of the USD 100 billion of climate finance will come from private sources. This stimulated a debate about ways in which the private sector can contribute to adaptation.
Many private actors are not familiar to the concept of adaptation, but they often make decision that contribute to adaptation, or increase vulnerability. Some adaptation measures create new business opportunities – for example, by creating a market for drought-resistant crop seeds or a new weather alert system- but adaptation measures to reduce vulnerability among communities offer little chance of financial return for the investor. How can developing country governments create more awareness and build capacity among private actors to contribute to adaptation? How to create an enabling environment to mobilise and deliver more private adaptation? This event focuses on these questions and builds on research conducted in Kenya and Rwanda.
7 November 2016, 19:00-20:30, Green Zone
New Directions in Climate Change Research and Implications for Policy.
Organized by: RINGO. Includes presentations from Sander Chan and Pieter Pauw (DIE)
As noted in the Paris Agreement, “Accelerating, encouraging and enabling innovation is critical for an effective, long-term global response to climate change and promoting economic growth and sustainable development.” Research is essential to not only understanding the complex phenomenon of global climate change and to understand its impacts on humanity and the planet, but also to drive the innovation needed to address the global challenges of creating a low-carbon future and a sustainable future. What we learn from research can help us to adapt and to build resilience into our natural and built systems.
8 November 2016, time tba, Blue Zone, EU Pavilion
Scaling Up Adaptation Finance in Support of NDC Implementation
Organized by: European Financing Institutions Working Group on Adaptation to Climate Change (EUFIWACC) with Adis Dzebo (SEI) and Pieter Pauw (DIE)
This side event will introduce an integrated approach to private finance for adaptation and its prospective application to private adaptation finance in Africa. In the context of the European Financing Institutions Working Group on Adaptation to Climate Change (EUFIWACC) the integrated approach will be discussed in a roundtable format with representatives from development banks AfDB, EIB, EBRD and KfW.
9 November 2016, 18:30 to 21:00, Le Méridien N‘Fis hotel
Consultation on Ways Forward for Global Climate Action
Organized by: Pieter Pauw (DIE), The Stanley Foundation, World Resources Institute, World Wildlife Fund
The Climate Champions have released a set of recommendations, “Global Climate Action:
High-Level Champions’ Reflections on the Way Forward.” The document seeks to further
elaborate a set of procedures and processes to accelerate and scale up Global Climate Action.
Participants in this consultation will strategically coordinate next steps and efforts to support
the Champions’ work.
10 November 2016, 11:30-13:00, Blue Zone, Observer Room 10
Linking (I)NDCs and the Global Climate Action Agenda: realizing synergies
Organized by: Sander Chan, Pieter Pauw (DIE), Idil Boran (York University) Oscar Widerberg (IVM) and Daniel Engström (FORES)
Linkages between (I)NDC implementation and the Global Climate Action Agenda will be explored. The NDC Content Explorer first outlines NDC ambitions and priorities. Second, options for enhancing cooperation, trust-building, and dialogue among state and non-state actors will be presented and discussed.
13 November 2016, 16:00-18:00, location tbc (invitation only)
Governance theory and restructuring the public domain under climate change
Organized by: Sander Chan, Pieter Pauw (DIE) and Idil Boran (York University)
This informal workshop in the margins of COP 22 will bring researchers together across disciplines to discuss the future of global governance on climate change after Paris, with a focus on its implications for the public domain. In particular, it addresses how, and to what extent, the post-Paris climate governance architecture influences the public domain at the transnational level. The global institutional architecture plays an important role in shaping the public domain, as it can help create an environment conducive to certain interactions that otherwise would not be there. Conversely, a buoyant public domain can create a positive feedback loops that strengthen and scale up the cooperative efforts.This research workshop will engage in a deeper reflection on the social conditions of cooperation. One question to be explored is whether the climate governance architecture that the Paris Agreement facilitates provides a basis to reconsider the scope and value of the public domain at the transnational level. It can be pursued at two levels: First, from an empirical perspective, the inquiry would consist of unveiling the historical processes that gave rise to the current outcome, and that might steer future directions. Second, from a normative perspective, the task would be to develop principles and recommendations to strengthen the transnational public domain, and to restructure it, so that traditionally disparate actors can interact as equals in forming new alliances, converging around shared norms of transparency, accountability, and durability, for higher climate ambition.
15 November 2016, 15:00-16:30, Green Zone
The NDC Explorer: launch of interactive tool with discussion focused on Africa's ambitions and REDD+
Organized by: Pieter Pauw, Jonas Hein (DIE) and Kennedy Mbeva (ACTS)
As part of the NDC Partnership, the DIE is developing the ‘NDC Explorer’ together with the UNFCCC Secretariat and the African Centre for Technology Studies (ACTS). It is an interactive online tool which provides a broad array of users a sophisticated lens to analyse and compare INDCs and NDCs of all Parties. It is an extension of the successful INDC Content Explorer, and will include 65 sub-categories on Mitigation (including REDD+), Adaptation, Finance and Support, Planning and Process and a broader picture beyond UNFCCC negotiations. In this event, the NDC Explorer will be launched, and it will also be used to provide a regional perspective and a sectoral perspective and of potential challenges for implementing INDCs.
The regional perspective will focus on Africa. For many African countries, the INDC provided a first opportunity to present a comprehensive set of priorities and ambitions to address climate change, but oftentimes these are conditional to climate finance. The sectoral perspective focuses on LULUCF and REDD+, which are of key importance in developing countries’ NDCs. Activities that reduce land-use-based emissions are often considered as cost effective to achieve climate goals. However, such activities have often been challenged by complex governance issues, land disputes and by a growing demand for export commodities. Finally, users of the NDC Explorer will comment on the tool and on (comparing) INDCs in general.
15 November 2016, 15:00-16:30, Observer Room 6, Blue zone
Science-Policy Dialogue to Reach Paris Targets via Transformation at All Levels of Governments Organized by: Dirk Messner (DIE), Co-Chair of the German Advisory Council on Global Change (WBGU) / ICLEI-Local Governments for Sustainability (ICLEI
- Hans Joachim Schellnhuber (WBGU and PIK)
- Nebojsa Nakicenovic (WBGU and IIASA)
- Park Won Soon, ICLEI (tbc)
- Gino Van Begin (ICLEI)
and other local / subnational representatives (tbc), guests (tbc)
16 November 11:00-12:30, Green Zone, Sebou
Multi-Level and Multi-Stakeholder Governance for Climate Action: learning from good practices
Organized by: Sander Chan (DIE), European Economic and Social Comittee, Comité 21 (French Committee for Sustainable Development)
This side event will introduce the ‘coalition on multi-level and multi-stakeholder governance‘.
In particular, it will discuss how the new climate multi-level governance will look like; presenting
examples of successful multi-stakeholder partnerships on climate change, both from developed and developing countries. The event will close with a reflection on lessons learned from positive actions,
and a discussion of next steps of the coalition.
16 November 8:30 - 11:00, Villa Makassar
Tracking and Aggregating Non-state and Subnational Climate Action Toward 2018
Organized by: Sander Chan (DIE), Galvanizing the Groundswell of Climate Actions, Data-Driven Yale
The working session will provide an informal forum for data providers, analysts, and researchers
to discuss opportunities to work together to harmonize and aggregate data on
sub-national and non-state climate action. In particular, the meeting will discuss the creation
and structure of a working group focused on collaboratively developing a framework to
harmonize data collection and analysis methods. The meeting will also address opportunities
to communicate the impact of sub-national and non-state climate action around the
2018 Facilitative Dialogue and the accompanying Climate Action Summit.
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Event information
Date07.11.2016 until 18.11.2016
Themen Website Klimalog
The UN Climate Change Conference is the annual Conference of the Parties (COP) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.
In den Medien
Marrakesh climate conference: time to act!
Bauer, Steffen / Clara Brandi (2016)
in: Diplomatisches Magazin 10/2016, 30-33