Key policy options for the G20 to support inclusive international trade and investment
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Location / Date
Berlin, 05.02.2017
ICTSD, German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), T 20 Task Force on Trade and Investment
As the premier forum for international economic cooperation, the G20 is uniquely positioned to examine the various global trade and investment policy issues in broader social and political context.
In 2016, G20 leaders have made a significant progress in both creating a new working scheme of TIWG, but also delivering trade growth strategy and guiding principles for investment policymaking.
Trade and investment will continue to be an integral part of G20 process in 2017, mainly through TIWG and cross-cutting Sherpa coordination process. In a video announcing the key agenda items of the G20 Summit in 2017, Germany plans to put people at the centre and make sure that everyone benefits from globalization, which will be achieved through its work on three pillars, namely resilience, responsibility and sustainability, with a view to “reshaping the interconnected world”.
ICTSD has been leading various projects with the objective of advancing sustainable development through trade-related policy-making for two decades. Since 2012, the Centre has convened a flagship E15 Initiative, co-implemented with the World Economic Forum, assembling over 370 international experts to collectively deliberate and produce policy options for improved governance of the global trade and investment system in the 21st century. The E15 Report was first launched by ICTSD and the Forum at the 2016 Annual Meeting at Davos, with additional launch events taking place most recently in Washington and Beijing. The report has been welcomed by several trade ministers and senior officials.
Since 2009, ICTSD has been convening policy-makers, experts, business and opinion leaders around the globe to analyse the challenges of global economic governance and provide policy recommendations for the WTO, the United nations as well as the G20. Most recently, G20 officials have drawn some key recommendations from ICTSD knowledge products and processes, including dialogues in Geneva March 2016, Beijing in May 2015, Nanjing in April 2016, and Geneva again in June 2016.
This Berlin workshop took a step further in providing a platform to discuss some of the policy issues with key stakeholders, including senior trade and investment officials from the G20 members and their guest countries. We invited leading thinkers to present the latest analysis, facilitate discussions among all participants, and generate forward-looking and practical ideas for the G20 TIWG and the Hamburg Summit in July 2017 and beyond. The workshop covered the following areas: supporting the multilateral trade system, facilitating investment, boosting digital economy, and addressing other cross-cutting issues for sustainable development.
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