How to Make Public Transport Work: Accelerating Access Through Money, Tech, and the Private Sector
Event Type
IDOS at the World Urban Forum
Location / Date
Cairo, Egypt, 08.11.2024
German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS), United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), and Institute for Transportation and Development Policy (ITDP)
Urban areas are facing declining public transport ridership, exacerbating environmental pollution and social inequality. This event, co-organized by IDOS, UN Environment, and ITDP, explored policies to strengthen public transport, focusing on fiscal support, digitalization, and formalization. While money, tech, and the private sector are key drivers, good governance forms the bedrock for accelerating access. The panel showcased success stories from around the world, including from the IKI ACCESS project. It discussed how strategic investments and digital technologies can revolutionize urban mobility, making cities more equitable and green.
- Janene Tuniz, UNEP (Moderator)
- Maruxa Cardama, SLOCAT
- Dr. Nicholas Goedeking, IDOS
- Ana Nassar, ITDP Brazil
- Rasha Aly Abouzaid, 6th Of October City Authority, Egypt (TBC)
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Event information
LocationGerman Pavilion
World Urban Forum 12
Cairo, Egypt
9:30-10:15am (Cairo, Egypt) (EET)
Main Contact

Dr. Nicholas Goedeking
Researcher, Department Environmental Governance
Phone+49 (0)228 94927-331