Development Beyond Growth – Global and Local Perspectives on Just Transitions
Event Type
Location / Date
Bonn and Online, 06.11.2024
Next Economy Lab (NELA) and German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS)
What can future economic development look like beyond growth? What are best practice examples of alternative economic structures and initiatives in the so-called Global South and Global North? And how can development cooperation support Just Transitions that respect environmental boundaries while enhancing social wellbeing?
These and more questions were discussed at our conference on the 6th and 7th November 2024. The conference invited practitioners and academics from the Global South and North alike who are interested in alternative models of global and local economic development. Panel discussions, keynotes and interactive workshops created ample space for the exchange of perspectives, networking and reflection. The program was complemented by a public evening event in the form of a panel discussion.
Participation was free of charge.
Funding by Engagement Global, Hans-Riegel-Stiftung, GLS Treuhand and Intersein Stiftung
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Event information
Date06.11.2024 until 07.11.2024
LocationTulpenfeld 6, Bonn and Online
6 November / 9:30 am – 6 pm
7 November / 9:30 am – 8 pm
In the Media
Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft müssen sich fundamental ändern, um Klimaziele und globale Gerechtigkeit zu erreichen
Conference Programme

Call for Contributions