Funding “Loss and Damage”: Lessons from Obstruction in Climate and Development Finance
Event Type
Virtual Panel Session
Location / Date
Online, 31.05.2023
Climate Social Science Network (CSSN), German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS)
The 2nd Annual Conference on Global Climate Governance in the Face of Obstruction (31 May – 2 June 2023), organized by the Climate Social Science Network (CSSN)- a global network headquartered at Brown University in the USA, addresses some of the latest issues in climate policy, focusing on institutions and actors that block progress: finance and loss and damage, opposition to renewables siting, and climate obstruction and state-owned enterprises and petro-states. The conference seeks to engage participants from the Global North and South, international organization representatives, researchers and civil society actors for substantive science-policy dialogue. The session “Funding Loss and Damage: Lessons from Obstruction in Climate and Development Finance”, scheduled for 31 May 2023, 16:30 – 18:00 h CEST (virtual event), co-hosted by the German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS), will discuss obstruction of Loss and Damage finance in the negotiations under the UN climate regime (Panel 1), and how can multilateral climate finance, humanitarian aid and ODA be harnessed to help overcome obstruction of Loss and Damage funding (Panel 2).
Opening note
- Steffen Bauer, Senior Researcher and Co-Head of the Klimalog-Project, German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS)
Panel 1: Obstruction of Loss and Damage finance in the negotiations under the UN climate regime: What is the nature of obstruction? Who are the agents of obstruction and how do they operate?
How to overcome obstruction in the lead up to COP28?
Panel speakers:
- Saleemul Huq, Director of the International Centre for Climate Change and Development (ICCCAD)
- Eva Peace Mukayiranga, Co-founder and training coordinator, Loss and Damage Youth Coalition
- Marian Feist, Senior Research Fellow, Hertie School of Governance
- Steffen Bauer, Senior Researcher, IDOS
Panel 2: Multilateral climate finance, humanitarian aid and ODA: How can they be harnessed to help overcome obstruction of funding for addressing Loss and Damage? What best practices and lessons could be drawn?
Panel speakers
- Sinead Walsh, Climate Director, Department of Foreign Affairs, Ireland
- Stacy-ann Robinson, Assistant Professor of Environmental Studies, Colby College
- Alvin Chandra, Global Coordinator, Adaptation Policy and Partnerships, UN Environment
- Laura Kuhl, Assistant Professor of Public Policy and Urban Affairs and International Affairs, Northeastern University
- Mariya Aleksandrova, Senior Researcher and Co-Head of the Klimalog-Project, German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS)
Closing note
- Timmons Roberts, Executive Director and Professor, Climate Social Science Network (CSSN), Brown University
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Event information
Date / Time31.05.2023 / 16:30 - 18:00

Dr. Mariya Aleksandrova
Project Lead & Senior Researcher
Phone +49 (0)228 94927-257
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