Final Presentation Research Teams of the 59th Postgraduate Programme

Event Type
Presentation Final Reports

Location / Date
Bonn and Online, 22.05.2024


German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS)

The Postgraduate Programme prepares master’s graduates for a career in international cooperation. Participants work in three different teams on an empirically based, policy-oriented research project. In the final presentations, the participants present the results of their research projects.


10:30 am – 12:30 pm

Social Cohesion in the Context of Environmental/Climate-Related Internal Displacement in Ghana

Team: Carolin Kitzmann, Nina Küssau, Merle Platen, Mario Pfeffer, Theresa Reinel

Team Leads:Dr. Charles Martin-Shields, Dr. Susan Ekoh

Project Partner: Center for Migration Studies (University of Ghana), People’s Dialogue on Human Settlements


1:00 – 3:00 pm

Low-emission Hydrogen in Argentina and Uruguay – Policymaking under Conditions of High Technological and Systemic Uncertainty

Team: Guido Bambini (UNSAM), Aaron Haas (IDOS), Fernanda Muniz (UdelaR), Guido Perrone (UNQ), Rebecca Rohe (IDOS), Paulina Wende (IDOS)

Team Leads:Dr. Andreas Stamm (IDOS), Dr. Rita Strohmaier (IDOS), Paula Prados (UNQ)

Project Partner: Universidad Nacional de San Martín in Argentina (UNSAM), Universidad Nacional de Quilmes in Argentina (UNQ), Universidad de la República in Uruguay (UdelaR)


3:30 – 5:30 pm

Environmental Justice Implications of Protected Areas: Evidence from Misiguay Forests, Colombia

Team: Theresa Bachmann, Marina Bauer, Angelina Feustel, Lena Marie Putz

Team Leads:Dr. Jean Carlo Rodríguez de Francisco, Mirja Schoderer

Support in the field: Laura Velasco


The participants of the postgraduate programme are looking forward to your participation!


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