Development and Development Policy in the Trump Era

Event Type

Location / Date
Bonn, 21.05.2025


EADI Global Crises & Development Group & German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS)

Donald Trump’s return to the White House will have far-reaching implications, not only for the US but also for global cooperation, particularly impacting the Global South. 

Trump’s second term will likely reinforce a global environment marked by fragmentation and competition, with significant implications for the Global South. While some countries may find opportunities in a multipolar world order, they also face risks of heightened dependency and diminished autonomy amid great-power rivalry. Further, Trump’s “America First” approach will further fragment global efforts and development cooperation.

This workshop will take a roundtable format and ask what a Trump second term might mean for development and development policy.

Call for expressions of interest as participants/inputs for a roundtable/workshop  

This is a call for (i) expressions of interest as participants and/or (ii) for inputs (short papers of 1000 words) to the discussion which will be a workshop in a roundtable format.  

The overall focus will be: What does the Trump presidency mean for development and development policy? 

Potential avenues might include:

  • The consequences of the pause and review of US ODA and impact of funding reductions.
  • The retreat from multilateral agencies, such as the UN.
  • The likely economic impacts of tariffs and/or a stronger dollar on for example debt servicing and economic growth in the global south.
  • the U.S. withdrawal from the Paris Agreement and consequences for climate negotiations and climate finance contributions.
  • the increasing pressure for countries to align with competing blocs, compromising policy autonomy and potentially deepening dependence on powerful allies.


Deadline for responses (EOIs or 200-word abstracts): 14 February 2025 

Unfortunately, workshop organizers cannot cover travel/hotel costs. 

Please send expressions of interest to participate and abstracts to *both* organisers: 

Stephan Klingebiel, IDOS:

Andy Sumner, King’s College London:



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Event information

Date / Time

21.05.2025 / 09:30 - 12:30


German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS)
Tulpenfeld 6
53113 Bonn, Germany


Icon: Megahone

Call for expressions of interest as participants and inputs

Submit by 14 February 2025 (We anticipate a workshop of maximum 30 people)


Please send expressions of interest to participate and abstracts to *both* organisers: