Effective Development Cooperation for achieving the 2030 Agenda: Convergence and Divergence of Official Development Assistance and South-South Cooperation

Event Type
DCF Side Event

Location / Date
New York, 22.05.2018


Network of Southern Think Tanks (NeST), German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE)

Bringing together researchers from emerging economies, developing countries and OECD DAC countries can lead to discussions going beyond traditional political patterns and lines of argumentation, generating a focused and research-based debate with a practical orientation on development cooperation. This side event had the purpose to contribute new knowledge and foster shared understandings on the quality of development cooperation, towards informing “The strategic role of development cooperation in achieving the 2030 Agenda” and “building sustainable and inclusive societies”. More specifically the panel focused on three key questions:

  1.     How have the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs changed global development cooperation?
  2.     What is the current state of development cooperation in terms of convergence of divergence between providers of SSC and OECD DAC donors?
  3.     What are the priorities of recipient countries for improving the quality development cooperation?


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Event information

Date / Time

22.05.2018 / 14:15 - 15:45


New York


Event Report

Themen Special

Effective Development Cooperation for achieving the 2030 Agenda