Climate Change and the Cost of Capital in Climate Vulnerable Developing Countries

Event Type

Location / Date
Berlin, 30.10.2018


The German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) and UN Environment

The German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) and UN Environment covened a one-day workshop in Berlin to examine the technical and policy aspects of the impact of integrating climate risk into financial market decision-making on the cost of capital for climate vulnerable developing countries. The workshop build on a ground break-breaking report that has assessed the relationship between sovereign credit profiles, and the cost of capital to climate vulnerable, developing countries. The report was commissioned by the UN Environment and funded by the Maava Foundation, and was undertaken by Imperial College and the SOAS University of London.

The workshop has seeked to advance the discussion on the impact of climate change on the cost of capital in climate vulnerable developing countries and adequate policy responses by:

  • Gathering and examining the existing knowledge and identifying knowledge gaps and promising avenues for future research.
  • Discussing options enhancing market-based and policy-based solutions for adaptation and resilience investment.

The outcome of the workshop is a roadmap setting out additional research requirements and options for advancing policy dialogue and action.

In bringing together researchers, practitioners and policy makers from the climate, development and finance communities, the workshop also aims to contribute towards building the scientific and policy community focused on this and related topics.


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Event information

Date / Time

30.10.2018 / 09:30 - 19:00


VKU Forum
Invalidenstraße 91,
10115 Berlin/Germany

- By invitation only -


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