Africa Toward 2030: Exploring the Future

Event Type

Location / Date
Südafrika, 04.12.2009


German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) hosted by the South African Institute of International Affairs, Johannesburg

How could Africa change in the next twenty years? What are the most important forces that underlie possible changes in one direction or another? What seems certain and what seems uncertain about the future of the African continent? These broad questions guide a research project coordinated by the German Development Institute that seeks to explore how the development landscape could change toward 2030 and aims to contribute to debates on how development policy can be adapted to confront changing global circumstances. This workshop contributed to the project by providing critical feedback and creative input for a set of scenarios for Africa’s future.

The workshop brought together a small group of experts from the research and policy communities in South Africa and the broader region who share an interest in forward-looking research in the African context.


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Event information

Date / Time

04.12.2009 / 10:00