15 Years Managing Global Governance - Past, Present, and Future
Event Type
MGG Conference
Location / Date
Online, 23.11.2022
German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS)
The Managing Global Governance (MGG) Programme turned 15 in 2022. In the three-day online conference “Celebrating 15 years of MGG” from 23 to 25 November, we looked back on past achievements, position ourselves in the multiple global challenges we are facing today, and envision the network and its impact in the future.
On the first day of the conference, we presented and celebrated inspiring stories illustrating how the MGG programme and its vibrant network catalysed change in various fields of global governance and transnational cooperation. The second day focused on the “here and now”. In numerous thematic sessions led by members of the MGG network, we reflected upon current crisis and exchange upon the most burning issues in MGG partner countries as well as their global dimensions. On the third and last day, we developed joint visions for the future of multilateralism and global partnerships – and how the MGG programme can contribute to that in the years to come.
In 2007, the MGG project started with the first course of the Managing Global Governance School. The vision was to establish fundamentally new forms of cooperation between very different countries from around the globe. Cooperation was envisioned as transnational as well as transsectoral: Young leaders and change makers from academia, public service, civil society and the private sector, coming together to develop joint understandings of the world’s most pressing challenges – and pathways to address them based on the principles of fairness, equity and the vision of a global common good.
In 2022, the need for transnational cooperation, for finding common ground and joint visions of a future that allows a good life for all within the limits of the earth system is even more important than it was back in 2007.
The conference was organised by the German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS) in the framework of the Managing Global Governance (MGG) programme with financial support from the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).
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Event information
Date23.11.2022 until 25.11.2022

Johanna Vogel
Senior Researcher
E-mail Johanna.Vogel@idos-research.de
Phone +49 (0)228 94927-263