Dick, Eva

Dr. Eva Dick
Transformation of Political (Dis-)order
Associated Researcher
Sociology and Spatial Planning
Work areas
- Regional migration governance
- urban/regional governance
- urban informality
- urban-rural linkages
Responsibilities in education and training
- TU Dortmund, Faculty of Spatial Planning: Course on the impacts of present migration dynamics on urban development and forms of planning
since 1/2018 | German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) Researcher, Research Programme "Transformation of political (dis-)order: Institutions, values & peace" |
10/2015-12/2017 | German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) Researcher, department "Governance, Statehood, Security" |
10/2005-09/2015 | TU Dortmund, Dept. Spatial Planning in Developing Countries/International Planning Studies Researcher |
10/2002-07/2005 | University of Minnesota, USA, Center for Urban and Regional Affairs Visiting scholar |
2003-2007 | TU Dortmund, Faculty of Spatial Planning PhD in Spatial Planning |
Since 1999 | Independent consultant in development co-operation Focal areas urban and community development, youth promotion, M&E |
1998-1999 | German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklunsgpolitik (DIE) Participant oft he 34th Post Graduate Programme |
1990-1997 | University of Hamburg MA-Studies in Sociology, Spanish and Latin American Studies |
Refereed Publications
- Dick, Eva (2022)
Localisation of global refugee policies the case of Kenya and Kalobeyei
in: Trialog (140/141), 4-9 - Dick, Eva / Benjamin Schraven (2019)
Regional cooperation on migration and mobility: experiences from two African regions
in: Andrew Geddes / Marcia Vera Espinoza / Leila Hadj Abdou / Leiza Brumat (eds.), The dynamics of regional migration governance, Cheltenham: Elgar, 109-127 - Dick, Eva / Alexander-Kenneth Nagel (2017)
Governing religious diversity in urban contexts: the interplay of religious and state representatives in local interfaith networks
in: Victoria Hegner / Peter-Jan Margry (eds): Spiritualizing the city: agency and resilience of the urban and the urbanesque habitat, London: Routledge (forthcoming) - Dick, Eva / Renate Bornberg / Einhard Schmidt-Kallert (eds.) (2016)
Multilocality (Themenheft)
in: Trialog: a journal for planning and building in a global context 1-2/2014 (published March 2016) - Dick, Eva / Cédric Duchêne-Lacroix (2016)
Multi-local living in the global South and the global North: differences, convergences and universalities of an underestimated phenomenon
in: Trialog 1-2/2014 – March 2016 (Themenheft "Multilocality"), 4-9 - Dick, Eva / Karin Gaesing / Dan Inkoom / Theo Kausel (eds.) (2016)
Decentralisation and regional development: experiences and lessons from four continents over three decades
Heidelberg: Springer - Dick, Eva / Alexander-Kenneth Nagel (2015)
Governing religious diversity in urban contexts: the interplay of religious and state representatives in local interfaith networks
in: Victoria Hegner / Peter-Jan Magry (eds.), Spiritualizing the city, London, New York: Routledge, 1-17 - Dick, Eva / Thorsten Heitkamp (2015)
When home is elsewhere: housing policy challenges in the context of transit migration in Ghana and South Africa
in: International Journal for Urban Sustainable Development 8(1), 68-82 - Dick, Eva / Darja Reuschke (2012)
Multilocational households in the global South and North: relevance, features and spatial implications
in: Die Erde 143 (3), 177 – 194 - Bornberg, Renate / Eva Dick / Einhard Schmidt-Kallert (eds.) (2012)
Urban rural linkages
Trialog: Zeitschrift für das Planen und Bauen in der Dritten Welt (Themenheft 109) - Dick, Eva (2012)
Urban transition and rural-urban linkages: some topical reflections about Doug Saunders’ “Arrival City”
in: Bornberg, Renate / Eva Dick / Einhard Schmidt-Kallert (eds.), Trialog: Zeitschrift für das Planen und Bauen in der Dritten Welt (Themenheft 109), 45 -47 - Dick, Eva / Einhard Schmidt-Kallert (2011)
Understanding the (mega-) urban from the rural: non-permanent migration and multi-locational households
in: disP: The Planning Review 187 (4), 24 - 36 - Dick, Eva / Alessandra Frazzetto / Andrea Kirsch (2011)
Sprache und Integration: ein interdisziplinärer Beitrag zum aktuellen Integrationsdiskurs
Baden-Baden: Nomos-Verl.-Ges.
Non-refereed Publications
- Beck, Andrea / Martin Bruder / Eva Dick / Verena Gantner / Klaus Hermanns / Johannes Schmitt / Christopher Wingens (2023)
Kommunale Entwicklungspolitik in Deutschland: aktuelle Entwicklungen, Herausforderungen und Empfehlungen zur weiteren Förderung
in: Die Gemeinde - Zeitschrift für die kommunale Selbstverwaltung in Schleswig-Holstein (06/2023), 154-156 - Beck, Andrea / Martin Bruder / Eva Dick / Verena Gantner / Klaus Hermanns / Johannes Schmitt / Christopher Wingens (2023)
Municipal development policy in Germany: current trends, challenges and recommendations for further promotion
in: DEval Policy Brief 6/2023 - Beck, Andrea / Martin Bruder / Eva Dick / Verena Gantner / Klaus Hermanns / Johannes Schmitt / Christopher Wingens (2023)
Kommunale Entwicklungspolitik in Deutschland: Aktuelle Entwicklungen, Herausforderungen und Empfehlungen zur weiteren Förderung
in: DEval Policy Brief 6/2023 - Dick, Eva (2023)
Fremdenfeindlichkeit in den Städten Südafrikas: was bedeutet sie für Südafrikas Demokratie?
published on blog.misereor.de - Dick, Eva und Einhard Schmidt-Kallert (2022)
Die UNO-Städtekonferenzen – schöne Worte oder mehr?
in: Caritas Schweiz 2022: Almanach Entwicklungspolitik 2023 "Urbanisierung im globalen Süden", Luzern: Caritas-Verlag, 135-148 - Dick, Eva / Paul Marschall / Christopher Wingens (2022)
Globale Nachhaltigkeitsziele im Blick. DIE-Studie zur Kommunalen Entwicklungspolitik
in: "Stadt und Gemeinde digital" (01/2022), Berlin: Deutscher Städte und Gemeindebund, 36-38. - Dick, Eva et al. (2022)
Local Government and the Integration of Refugees Experiences from Bangladesh, Kenya and Germany (Group Interview)
in: Trialog (140/141), 13-19 - Dick, Eva / Einhard Schmidt-Kallert / Benjamin Schraven (2022)
Cities and Displacement (Themenheft)
in: Trialog - a journal for planning and building in a global context 140-141 (Januar 2022) - Marschall, Paul / Christopher Wingens / Eva Dick (2021)
Kommunale Entwicklungspolitik in Deutschland
(Studies 105) - Wingens, Christopher / Paul Marschall / Eva Dick (2021)
Municipal development policy in Germany: current status and prospects
(Briefing Paper 17/2021) - Wingens, Christopher / Paul Marschall / Eva Dick (2021)
Kommunale Entwicklungspolitik in Deutschland: Stand und Perspektiven
(Analysen und Stellungnahmen 4/2021) - Dick, Eva / Benjamin Schraven (2021)
Rural-urban migration in West Africa: contexts, trends and recommendations
in: Global Knowledge Partnership on Migration and Development (KNOMAD), Policy Brief (February 2021) - Dick, Eva / Benjamin Schraven (2020)
Wie afrikanische Regionen Migration regeln: Personenfreizügigkeit in West- und Nordost-Afrika
published on Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, 10.11.2020 - Dick, Eva / Benjamin Schraven (2020)
Migration innerhalb Afrikas als Herausforderung für die afrikanischen Regionalorganisationen: die Beispiele IGAD und ECOWAS
Expertise im Auftrag des Sachverständigenrats deutscher Stiftungen für Integration und Migration für das SVR-Jahresgutachten 2020, Berlin: Sachverständigenrat deutscher Stiftungen für Integration und Migration - Dick, Eva / Markus Rudolf (2020)
Global policy, local implementation - impacts of the global compact on refugees
in: Diplomatisches Magazin 2/2020, 18-23 - Dick, Eva / Markus Rudolf (2020)
Globale Politik lokal umsetzen - wie der globale Flüchtlingspakt wirkt
in: Diplomatisches Magazin 2/2020, 18-23 - Castillejo, Clare / Eva Dick / Benjamin Schraven (2019)
Stützen oder stürzen? Der Einfluss der Europäischen Union auf die afrikanischen Freizügigkeitsagenden in West- und Nordostafrika
(Analysen und Stellungnahmen 16/2019) - Dick, Eva / Markus Rudolf (2019)
Von globalen Flüchtlingsnormen zu lokalen „Realitäten“: die Umsetzung des Globalen Flüchtlingspaktes in Kenia
(Analysen und Stellungnahmen 15/2019) - Dick, Eva / Markus Rudolf (2019)
From global refugee norms to local realities: implementing the global compact on refugees in Kenya
(Briefing Paper 19/2019) - Castillejo, Clare / Eva Dick / Benjamin Schraven (2019)
Supporting or thwarting? The influence of EU migration policies on African free movement regimes in West and North-eastern Africa
(Briefing Paper 18/2019) - Dick, Eva (2019)
The role of regional organizations in Africa in the governance of migration
published on Italian Institute for International Political Studies (ISPI) - Dick, Eva (2019)
Il ruolo delle organizzazioni africane nella gestione dei fenomeni migratori
published on Istituto per gli studi di politica internazionale (ISPI), 15.07.2019 - Dick, Eva / Benjamin Schraven (2019)
Global but not regional? The role of African regional migration regimes in the international governance architecture
Fiesole: European University Institute (EUI), (EUI Working Paper 33) - Dick, Eva / Benjamin Schraven (2019)
Afrika auf dem Weg nach Schengen?
in: Diplomatisches Magazin 4/2019, 34 - 37 - Dick, Eva / Benjamin Schraven (2019)
Africa on the pathway to Schengen?
in: Diplomatisches Magazin 4/2019, 34-37 - Dick, Eva / Benjamin Schraven (2019)
Towards a borderless Africa? Regional organisations and free movement of persons in West and North-East Africa
(Briefing Paper 1/2019) - Dick, Eva / Benjamin Schraven (2018)
Afrika ohne Grenzen? Regionalorganisationen und Personenfreizügigkeit in West- und Nordostafrika
(Analysen und Stellungnahmen 13/2018) - Maci, Giulia / San Bilal / Anna Knoll / Eva Dick (2018)
Cities of arrival: integrated urban and private sector responses to migrants and refugees.
Brussels: European Think Tanks Group (ETTG), July 2018 - Schneiderheinze, Claas / Eva Dick / Matthias Lücke / Afaf Rahim / Benjamin Schraven / Matteo Villa (2018)
Regional integration and migration between low-and-middle-income countries: regional initiatives need to be strengthened
published on www.t20argentina.org - Dick, Eva / Benjamin Schraven (2018)
Regional migration governance in Africa and beyond: a framework of analysis
(Discussion Paper 9/2018) - Dick, Eva / Benjamin Schraven / Anne Koch / Benjamin Etzold (2018)
Regional migration governance: contributions to a sustainable international migration architecture
Bonn: Bonn International Center for Conversion (BICC), (Policy Brief 1/2018) - Dick, Eva / Anne Koch / Benjamin Schraven / Benjamin Etzold (2018)
Regional migration governance: contributions to a sustainable international migration architecture
(Briefing Paper 1/2018) - Dick, Eva / Anne Koch / Benjamin Schraven / Benjamin Etzold (2017)
Regionale Migrationsgovernance: Impulse für eine nachhaltige internationale Migrationsarchitektur
(Analysen und Stellungnahmen 18/2017) - Dick, Eva / Benjamin Schraven (2017)
Urban governance of forced displacement: premises, requirements and challenges in the light of new humanitarian trends
in: RaumPlanung 5/2017, 22-29 - Dick, Eva (2016)
Neue Visionen
published on E+Z: Entwicklung und Zusammenarbeit 12/2016, 8 - Dick, Eva (2016)
Habitat III Konferenz in Quito: durchwachsene Bilanz
published on E+Z: Entwicklung und Zusammenarbeit 11/2016, 4 - Dick, Eva / Maria-Theres Haase (2016)
Pledge for transformative cities gives a new impetus to Habitat III
published on Devex 13 July 2016 - Dick, Eva (2016)
Städtische Governance für nachhaltige globale Entwicklung: von den SDGs zur New Urban Agenda
(Analysen und Stellungnahmen 6/2016) - Dick, Eva (2016)
Urban governance for sustainable global development: from the SDGs to the New Urban Agenda
(Briefing Paper 8/2016) - Dick, Eva (2013)
Urban-rural linkages within and between regions: an international perspective
in: Katrin Bäumer / Dana Jacob / Christa Reicher / Einhard Schmidt-Kallert / Hasan Sinemillioglu (eds.), Planning education for Iraq: German and Iraqi planners in dialogue, Essen: Klartext-Verlagsges., 115-121 - Dick, Eva / Katrin Gliemann / Heike Hanhörster (Hrsg.) (2011)
Städte in Bewegung: Migration und städtische Integration
Raumplanung (Themenheft 155) - Dick, Eva (2010)
Residential segregation and housing integration: policy challenges and their manifestation in St. Paul, Minnesota, USA
in: ISR-Forschungsberichte, Wien: Verl. der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 19-38 - Dick, Eva (2009)
Policies with(out) people: territorial development in the rural-urban interface
In: Rural 21 43 (2), 26-29 - Dick, Eva / Einhard Schmidt-Kallert (2008)
Wichtige Migrationsformen
in: E+Z Entwicklung und Zusammenarbeit 49 (12), 472-473 - Dick, Eva (2008)
Residential segregation of immigrants: a case study of the Mexican population on St. Paul’s West Side
in: CURA Reporter 38 (1), 3-11 - Dick, Eva (2008)
Residential segregation: stumbling block or stepping stone? A case study on the Mexican population of the West Side of St. Paul, Minnesota, USA
Münster: Lit
Opinion Pieces
- Dick, Eva / Kai Klause (2023)
Generalversammlung der UN-Städteorganisation: ein Beitrag zu inklusivem Multilateralismus?
published on http://blog.venro.org/, 25.07.2023 - Dick, Eva (2022)
"Städte sollten immer in Bewegung sein"
Interview für das Straßenmagazin „draußen!“, Juli/August 2022, 13 – 15 - Dick, Eva / Paul Marschall / Christopher Wingens (2021)
Municipalities are Shaping the Future
Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), The Current Column of 14 June 2021 - Dick, Eva / Paul Marschall / Christopher Wingens (2020)
Advancing the 2030 Agenda through municipal partnerships with the global South
German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), The Current Column of 7 December 2020 - Dick, Eva (2020)
How the corona crisis is calling into question the “right to the city”
German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), The Current Colum of 9 April 2020 - Dick, Eva / Tatjana Reiber (2020)
How we can raise the profile of female experts
Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), (The Current Column of 10 February) - Dick, Eva / Markus Rudolf (2019)
How the Global Compact on Refugees can be implemented successfully
Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), The Current Column of 16 December 2019 - Dick, Eva / Jana Kuhnt (2019)
The neglected role of cities in the Global Compact on Refugees
Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), (The Current Column of 23 January 2019) - Schraven, Benjamin / Eva Dick (2018)
What still needs to be said about the migration pact
Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), (The Current Column of 10 December 2018) - Dick, Eva (2018)
Cities for sustainable global development
Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), (The Current Column of 29 October 2018) - Schraven, Benjamin / Eva Dick (2018)
What the Global Compact for Migration really means
Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), The Current Column of 23 July 2018 - Dick, Eva / Charles Martin-Shields (2017)
Fluchtursachenbekämpfung beim G20-Gipfel: Alternativen zur Flucht nach Europa müssen her
published on HuffPost 07.07.2017 - Dick, Eva / Maria-Theres Haase (2016)
UN summit on housing and sustainable urban development: what is at stake?
Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) (The Current Column of 17 October 2016) - Dick, Eva / Benjamin Schraven (2016)
The global refugee crisis: The key role of cities
Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) (The Current Column of 2 May 2016)

From global refugee norms to local realities: implementing the global compact on refugees in Kenya
Dick, Eva / Markus Rudolf (2019)
Briefing Paper 19/2019

Regional Integration and Migration between Low-and-Middle-Income Countries: Regional initiatives need to be strengthened
Rahim, Afaf / Eva Dick / Matthias Lücke / Class Schneiderheinze / Benjamin Schraven (2018)
T20 policy brief, 30 July 2018

Cities of arrival. Integrated urban and private sector responses to migrants and refugees
Maci, Giulia / San Bilal / Anna Knoll / Eva Dick (2018)
ETTG-Blog, 4 July 2018

Cities of the Future (German)
Deutsche Welle, 7 February 2018
Listen to the interview here (English).