Discussion Paper

Transformation of a policy area: development policy is in a systemic crisis and faces the challenge of a more complex system environment

Ashoff, Guido / Stephan Klingebiel
Discussion Paper (9/2014)

Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE)

ISBN: 978-3-88985-598-5
Price: 6 €

Since the 2000s, the international community has increasingly recognised two basic aspects of development cooperation. First, international development cooperation faces a systemic crisis. Because of the way it is organised and implemented, it is part of the problem it wants solve. As a response, there has been an attempt at system reform that, in terms of ambition and recognition, is unprecedented in the history of development cooperation. Second, the environment of development cooperation has changed considerably. This goes for both the development problematique to which development cooperation reacts and the global context in which it operates.

Further IDOS experts

Baumann, Max-Otto

Political Science 

Baydag, Melis

Political Science 

Berger, Axel

Political Science 

Bergmann, Julian

Political Science 

Dang, Vy

Political Science 

Erforth, Benedikt

Political Science 

Furness, Mark

Political Science 

Grimm, Sven

Political Science 

Hackenesch, Christine

Political Science 

Haug, Sebastian

Political Science 

Janus, Heiner

Political Science 

Keijzer, Niels

Social Science 

Koch, Svea

Social Science 

Löpelt, Sarah

International relations and Sustainability policy 

Pegels, Anna


Reiners, Wulf

Political Science 

Röthel, Tim


von Haaren, Paula

Development Economics 

Wisskirchen, Alma

Political Science 


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