Büscher, Chris
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Dr. Chris Büscher
Knowledge cooperation & training
Development studies / Political ecology
Work areas
- Political ecology of development
- Water / energy governance and politics
Regional expertise
- Water governance / development in Southern Africa
- Renewable (geothermal) energy development in Eastern Africa
Responsibilities in education and training
- Lecturer, University College Utrecht
since 1/2024 | German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS) Researcher, Shaping Futures Programme |
10/2022-7/2024 | University of Turin, Department of Cultures, Politics and Society Postdoctoral research fellow |
8/2018-10/2022 | Gerechtshof Arnhem-Leeuwarden Senior policy and board advisor |
9/2014-11/2021 | SOAS University of London, Department of Development Studies PhD researcher |
11/2008-4/2016 | KWR Watercycle Research Institute Social scientific researcher |
Refereed Publications
- Büscher, Chris (2024)
Expanding water privatization in Mozambique: producing success, reproducing neoliberal water
in: Development and Change 55 (5), 1078-1108 - Büscher, Christ (2023)
Turning poo into profit? The troubled politics of a biogas-based sanitation business model in Mozambique
in: World Development 171, article 106360 - Büscher, Chris (2019)
Imagineering waterscapes: The case of the Dutch water sector
in: Water Alternatives 12 (3), 814-835 - Brouwer, Stijn / Chris Büscher / Laurens K. Hessels (2018)
Towards transdisciplinarity: a water research programme in transition
in Science and Public Policy 45 (2), 211-220 - Agudelo-Vera, Claudia / E. J. M. Blokker / Chris Büscher / J. H. G. Vreeburg (2014)
Analysing the dynamics of transitions in residential water consumption in the Netherlands
in: Water Supply 14 (5), 717-727 - Frijns Jos / Chris Büscher / Andrew Segrave / Mariëlle van der Zouwen (2013)
Dealing with future challenges: a social learning alliance in the Dutch water sector
in Water Policy 15 (2), 212-222 - Segrave, Andrew / Christ Büscher / Jos Frijns (2012)
Participatory futures research and social learning for integrated watershed management
in: Viktor Lagutov, Environmental Security in Watersheds: The Sea of Azov, Wiesbaden: Springer, 241-253 (NATO Science for Peace and Security Series C: Environmental Security)
Non-refereed Publications
- Büscher, Chris / Paola Minoia / Elisa Bignante / Alessandro Sciullo / Dario Padovan (2025)
Repoliticizing community energy: geothermal energy development in rural East Africa
in: V. Bini, V. Capocefalo, S. Rinauro (a cura di), Geografia e ecologia politica: teorie, pratiche, discorsi Società di Studi Geografici. Memorie geografiche NS 24, 2024, p. 87-94 (forthcoming) - Büscher, Chris / Alessandro Sciullo / Palo Minoia / Elisa Bignante / Dario Padovan (2024)
Political ecology of energy transitions in the Global North and South
in: V. Bini, V. Capocefalo, S. Rinauro (a cura di), Geografia e ecologia politica: teorie, pratiche, discorsi Società di Studi Geografici. Memorie geografiche NS 24, 2024, p. 67-68 (forthcoming) - Büscher, Chris (2021)
Water aid and trade contradictions: Dutch aid in the Mozambican waterscape under contemporary capitalism
London: SOAS University of London (dissertation) - Büscher, Chris (2019)
Future drinking water infrastructure: building blocks for drinking water companies for their strategic planning
London/Nieuwegein: IWA Publishing/KWR Water Research Institute