Richerzhagen, Carmen
Dr. Carmen Richerzhagen
Environmental Governance
Former Senior Researcher
Agricultural and Environmental Economist
1/2018-2/2020 | German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) Senior Researcher Research Programme "Environmental Governance and Transformation to Sustainability" |
2006-2017 | German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) Senior Researcher Department "Environmental Policy and Management of Natural Resources" |
2007 | University of Bonn Ph.D. Dissertation: Effectiveness and Perspectives of Access and Benefit-sharing Regimes in the Convention on Biological Diversity (Faculty Prize 2008) |
2005-2006 | University of Bonn Department of Resource and Environmental Economics Research fellow: Biodiversity policy Lecturer: Environmental and resource economics |
2004-2005 | United Nations University - Institute of Advanced Studies (Yokohama) Ph.D. fellow: Biodiplomacy initiative |
2001-2004 | University of Bonn Department of Resource and Environmental Economics Research fellow: Biodiversity policy Lecturer: Microeconomics, Environmental and resource economics |
1996-2001 | University of Bonn Agricultural Economics (Dipl.-Ing. agr.) |
Refereed Publications
- Zander, Kerstin / Stephen T. Garnett / Harald Sterly et al. (2022)
Topic modelling exposes disciplinary divergence in research on the nexus between human mobility and the environment
in: Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 9, article 34 - Richerzhagen, Carmen / Jean Carlo Rodríguez de Francisco / Felix Weinsheimer / Alessandro Döhnert / Lukas Kleiner / Marjam Mayer / Julia Morawietz / Eric Philipp (2019)
Ecosystem-based adaptation projects: more than just adaptation: analysis of social benefits and costs in Colombia
in: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 16 (21), 4248 - Zander, Kerstin K. / Carmen Richerzhagen / Stephen T. Garnett (2019)
Human mobility intentions in response to heat in urban South East Asia
in: Global Environmental Change (56/2019), p. 18-28 - Zander, Kerstin K. / Carmen Richerzhagen / Stephen T. Garnett (2019)
Human mobility intentions in response to heat in urban South East Asia
in: Global Environmental Change 56 (May), 18-28 - Richerzhagen, Carmen (2014)
The Nagoya protocol: fragmentation or consolidation?
published on Resources 3 (1), 135-151 - Richerzhagen, Carmen (2011)
Effective governance of access and benefit-sharing under the convention on biological diversity
in: Biodiversity and Conservation 20 (10), 2243-2261 - Richerzhagen, Carmen (2010)
Protecting biological diversity: the effectiveness of access and benefit-sharing regimes
New York: Routledge - Richerzhagen, Carmen / Imme Scholz (2008)
Environmental problems and environmental governance in the context of dynamic economic growth - the case of China
in: Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsgeographie 52 (1), 20-34 - Richerzhagen, Carmen / Imme Scholz (2008)
China's capacities for mitigating climate change
in: World Development 36 (2), 308-324 - Richerzhagen, Carmen / Detlev Virchow (2007)
Sustainable utilization of crop genetic diversity through property rights mechanisms: the case of coffee genetic resources in Ethiopia
in: International Journal of Biotechnology 9 (1), 60–86
Non-refereed Publications
- Scheumann, Waltina / Carmen Richerzhagen (2022)
Potential of drinking water alliances to address nitrate pollution: experiences from Germany
SOLAW21 Technical background report, Rome: FAO - Zander, Kerstin K / Carmen Richerzhagen / Stephen T. Garnett (2020)
Migration as a potential heat stress adaptation strategy in Australia
in: David Karacsonyi / Andrew Taylor / Deanne Bird (eds.), The demography of disasters: impacts for population and place, Heidelberg: Springer Verlag, 153-167 - Richerzhagen, Carmen / Jean Carlo Rodriguez de Francisco (2020)
Jetzt oder nie: Herausforderungen des globalen Biodiversitätsschutzes
in: Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte (APuZ), 11/2020, 4-10 - Wolff, Franziska / Bettina Brohmann / Corinna Fischer / Rainer Grießhammer / Martin Gsell / Dirk Arne Heyen / Klaus Jacob / Lisa Graaf / Michael Pregernig / Cristina Espinosa / Thomas Potthast / Simon Meisch / Matthias Kerr / Carmen Richerzhagen / Steffen Bauer (2019)
Perspektiven für Umweltpolitik: Ansätze zum Umgang mit neuartigen Herausforderungen
Dessau-Roßlau: Umweltbundesamt (Texte 83/2019) (Online) - Richerzhagen, Carmen / Steffen Bauer / Cristina Espinosa / Michael Pregernig (2019)
Entwicklungspolitisch sensible Umweltpolitik
Dessau-Roßlau: Umweltbundesamt (UBA Texte 20/2019) - Richerzhagen, Carmen / Waltina Scheumann (2016)
Cooperative agreements between the water and the agricultural sector
(Two Pager 3/2016) - Richerzhagen, Carmen / Jean Carlo Rodríguez / Katharina Stepping (2016)
Why we need more and better biodiversity aid
(Briefing Paper 13/2016) - Scholz, Imme / Niels Keijzer / Carmen Richerzhagen (2016)
Promoting the Sustainable Development Goals in Germany
(Discussion Paper 13/2016) - Loewe, Markus / Carmen Richerzhagen (2014)
Post 2015: eine Chance für soziale und ökologische Entwicklung
in: Jahresbericht 2013-2014: 50 Jahre Brücken bauen zwischen Theorie und Praxis, Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), 36-39 - Loewe, Markus / Carmen Richerzhagen (2014)
Post 2015: an opportunity for social and ecological development
in: Annual Report 2013-2014: 50 years of building bridges between research and practice, Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), 36-39 - Brandi, Clara / Carmen Richerzhagen / Katharina M.K. Stepping (2014)
Post-2015: why is the water-energy-land nexus important for the future development agenda?
in: Thomas Fues / Jiang Ye (eds.), United Nations Post-2015 Agenda for global development: perspectives from China and Europe, Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), 297-310 - Pauw, Pieter / Steffen Bauer / Carmen Richerzhagen / Clara Brandi / Hanna Schmole (2014)
Guanyu you qubie de zeren de butong guandian: guoji tanpan zhong youguan gongtong dan you qubie de zeren gainian de zui xin pingshu (关于有区别的责任的不同观点 国际谈判中有关共同但有区别的责任概念的最新评述)
(Discussion Paper 22/2014) - Pauw, Pieter / Steffen Bauer / Carmen Richerzhagen / Clara Brandi /
Hanna Schmole (2014)
Different perspectives on differentiated responsibilities: a state-of-the-art review of the notion of common but differentiated responsibilities in international negotiations
(Discussion Paper 6/2014) - Messner, Dirk / Axel Berger / Carmen Richerzhagen (2013)
Neue Paradigmen der Entwicklungspolitik: Urbanisierung im Zeitalter des Klimawandel
in: Dirk Messner / Armin Frey / Thomas Jäger / Manfred Fischedick / Thomas Hartmann-Wendels (Hrsg.), Globalisierungsgestaltung und internationale Übereinkommen, Wiesbaden: Springer, VS, 59-98 - Brandi, Clara / Carmen Richerzhagen / Katharina M.K. Stepping (2013)
Post-2015: warum ist der Wasser-Energie-Land-Nexus für die künftige Entwicklungsagenda wichtig?
(Analysen und Stellungnahmen 8/2013) - Bauer, Steffen / Carmen Richerzhagen (2013)
Ein Zielkatalog für alle! Die globale Entwicklungsagenda „Post-2015“
in: Diplomatisches Magazin 06/2013, 44-47 - Bauer, Steffen / Carmen Richerzhagen (2013)
One set of goals for all! The “Post-2015” global development agenda
in: Diplomatisches Magazin 06/2013, 44-47 - Brandi, Clara / Carmen Richerzhagen / Katharina M.K. Stepping (2013)
Post 2015: why is the water-energy-land nexus important for the future development agenda?
(Briefing Paper 3/2013) - Bauer, Steffen/ Carmen Richerzhagen / Clara Brandi /Florence Dafe / Mark Furness / Christian von Haldenwang / Annabelle Houdret / Heiner Janus / Oliver Johnson / Markus Loewe / Pieter Pauw / Anna Pegels / Isabel van de Sand / Waltina Scheumann / Imme Scho (2012)
Ensuring sustainable development globally: EU follow-up to Rio+20
Contribution of German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) to the EU Public Consultation - Richerzhagen, Carmen / Tabea von Frieling / Nils Hansen / Anja Minnaert / Nina Netzer / Jonas Rußbild (2009)
Zhongguo-jianzhu-jieneng: zhengce, zhang’ai he jiyu (中国建筑节能:政策、障碍和机遇)
(Studies 46) - Richerzhagen, Carmen / Tabea von Frieling / Nils Hansen / Anja Minnaert / Nina Netzer / Jonas Rußbild (2008)
Energy efficiency in buildings in China: policies, barriers and opportunities
(Studies 41) - Täuber, Sabine / Carmen Richerzhagen / Karin Holm-Müller (2008)
Die Nutzer genetischer Resourcen in Europa und ihr Verhältnis zur CBD
in: Natur und Landschaft 2/2008, 47-51 - Richerzhagen, Carmen / Imme Scholz (2007)
China's capacities for mitigating climate change
(Discussion Paper 22/2007) - Bauer, Steffen / Carmen Richerzhagen (2007)
Nachholende Entwicklung und Klimawandel
in: Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte 47/2007, 20-26 - Richerzhagen, Carmen (2007)
Certificates of origin: economic impacts and implications
in: Ute Feit / Franziska Wolff (eds.), European regional meeting on an internationally recognized certificate of origin / source / legal provenance, report of an international workshop hosted by the German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation, Isle of Vilm, Germany, 24-29 October 2006, 46-48 - Richerzhagen, Carmen (2007)
Survey: users of genetic resources in Germany; results according to an internationally recognized certificate of origin / source / legal provenance
in: Ute Feit / Franziska Wolff (eds.), European regional meeting on an internationally recognized certificate of origin / source / legal provenance, report of an international workshop hosted by the German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation, Isle of Vilm, Germany, 24-29 October 2006, 95-97 - Richerzhagen, Carmen / Karin Holm-Mueller / Sabine Täuber (2006)
Users of genetic resources in Germany: awareness, participation and positions regarding the convention on biological diversity
in: Ute Feit et al. (2006), Access and benefit-sharing of genetic resources (Bfn Skripten 163), 19-29
Opinion Pieces
- Richerzhagen, Carmen / Jean Carlo Rodriguez (2019)
Biodiversity is good for you!
Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), (The Current Column of 20 May 2019) - Matias, Denise Margaret / Carmen Richerzhagen (2018)
Celebrating the first World Bee Day
Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), The Current Column of 22 May 2018 - Rodríguez de Francisco, Jean Carlo / Mirja Schoderer / Carmen Richerzhagen (2018)
Water Security and Ecosystem-based Adaptation to Climate Change
Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), The Current Column of 22 March 2018 - Richerzhagen, Carmen / Marianne Alker (2017)
“Make biodiversity great again!”
Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) (Die aktuelle Kolumne vom 22.05.2017) - Richerzhagen, Carmen (2016)
Biodiversity research: social sciences under-represented
German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) (The Current Column of 20 May 2016) - Richerzhagen, Carmen (2015)
It's all about the green stuff: finance gap threatening biodiversity
German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) (The Current Column of 22 May 2015) - Richerzhagen, Carmen (2014)
Post-2015: how to properly address biodiversity?
published on The Broker - Lucas, Paul L. / José A. González / Carmen Richerzhagen (2014)
Post-2015: How to properly address biodiversity?
Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) (The Current Column of 3 February 2014) - Richerzhagen, Carmen (2007)
Effectiveness and perspectives of access and benefit-sharing regimes: a comparative analysis of Costa Rica, the Philippines, Ethiopia and the EU
Bonn, Univ., Diss. - Richerzhagen, Carmen (2005)
Certificates of origin - economic impacts and implications
Working Paper, United Nations University – Institute of Advanced Studies, Japan - Dedeurwaerdere Tom / Sélim Louafi / Carmen Richerzhagen / Brendan Tobin (2005)
Roundtable on practicality, feasibility and cost of certificates of origin
Workshop summary, 2nd Paris Roundtable on ABS Governance, 9–10 November 2004 (UNU/IAS-IDDRI-CPDR) - Holm-Müller, Karin / Carmen Richerzhagen / Sabine Täuber (2005)
Users of genetic resources in Germany: awareness, participation and positions regarding the Convention on Biological Diversity
BfN Skripten 126, Bonn - Richerzhagen, Carmen / Karin Holm-Müller (2004)
Fair and equitable benefit sharing: the importance and design of effective measures in user countries
8th Biennial Scientific Conference International Society for Ecological Economics, Montreal (Kanada) - Richerzhagen, Carmen (2002)
Access and benefit sharing in the framework of the coase theorem: a successful strategy to conserve biodiversity? – The case of the Philippines
International Summer School on Innovations for Sustainable Development: Institutions, Incentives and Economic Policy, Seeon, September 2002 - Richerzhagen, Carmen / Virchow, Detlef (2002)
Sustainable utilization of crop genetic diversity through property rights mechanisms? The case of coffee genetic resources in Ethiopia
BioEcon Workshop on The Economics of Incentive Mechanisms for Biodiversity Conservation. IPGRI, Rom (Italien), Mai 30–31, 2002
- Klimalog: Research for a climate-smart and just transformation
- The social dimension of ecosystem-based adaption to climate change in Colombia
- Implementing the Water-Energy-Food Nexus: Incentive structures and policy instruments
- Access and benefit-sharing in the Convention on Biological Diversity
- Capacities for mitigating climate change in China, India and Brazil
- Energy efficiency in buildings: a contribution of China to mitigate climate change

Migration as a Potential Heat Stress Adaptation Strategy in Australia
Zander, Kerstin K. / Carmen Richerzhagen / Stephen T. Garnett (2020)
in: The Demography of Disasters, 153-167 (Open Access)
Human mobility intentions in response to heat in urban South East Asia
Zander, Kerstin K. / Carmen Richerzhagen / Stephen T. Garnett (2019)
in: Global Environmental Change 56 (May), 18-28
Im Fokus
Entwicklungspolitisch sensible Umweltpolitik
Richerzhagen, Carmen / Steffen Bauer / Cristina Espinosa / Michael Pregernig (2019)
Dessau-Roßlau: Umweltbundesamt (UBA Texte 20/2019)