Never, Babette

Dr. Babette Never
Transformation of Economic and Social Systems
Senior Researcher
Political Science
Work areas
- green economic policy
- sustainable consumption
- energy efficiency
- Circular economy
Regional expertise
- Africa
- East Asia
- South Asia
since 1/2018 | German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS) (until 6/2022 German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE)) Senior Researcher, Research Department "Transformation of Economic and Social Systems" |
8/2013-12/2017 | German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) Researcher, Department "Sustainable Economic and Social Development" |
3/2013 - 8/2013 | GIGA Institute of African Affairs Researcher |
7/2008 - 1/2013 | University of Hamburg / GIGA German Institute of Global and Area Studies Dr. phil., Dissertation: “Knowledge Systems and Change in Climate Governance: Comparing India and South Africa 2007-2010” |
9/2009 - 12/2012 | Hamburg International Graduate School for the Study of Regional Powers Researcher |
1/2008 - 6/2008 | Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) Internship |
Refereed Publications
- Malerba, Daniele / Babette Never / Lukas Fesenfeld / Hanna Fuhrmann-Riebel / Sascha Kuhn (2024)
On the acceptance of high carbon taxes in low- and middle-income countries: a conjoint survey experiment
in: Environmental Research Letters 19 (9), article 094014 - Kuhn, Sascha / Richard Opoku / Desmond Diali Diaba / Kofi A. Agyarko / Babette Never (2024)
The transition of Ghana's cooling appliance sector to a circular economy via a small wins governance framework
in: Sustainable Production and Consumption 46, 119-131 - Awuni, Evans Tindana / Daniele Malerba / Babette Never (2023)
Understanding vulnerability to poverty, COVID-19’s effects, and implications for social protection: insights from Ghana
in: Progress in Development Studies 23 (3), 246-274 - Never, Babette (2022)
Green and social regulation of second hand appliance markets: the case of air conditioners in the Philippines
in: Circular Economy & Sustainability 3, 791-810 - Never, Babette / Sascha Kuhn / Hanna Fuhrmann-Riebel / Jose Ramon Albert / Sebastian Gsell / Miguel Jaramillo / Bernardin Senadza (2022)
Energy saving behaviours of middle class households in Ghana, Peru and the Philippines
in: Energy for Sustainable Development (68), 170-181 - Never, Babette / Albert, Jose Ramon G. (2021)
Unmasking the middle class in the Philippines: aspirations, lifestyles, and prospects for sustainable consumption
in: Asian Studies Review 45 (4), 594-614 - Senadza, Bernardin / Babette Never / Sascha Kuhn / Felix A. Asante (2020)
Profile and determinants of the middle classes in Ghana: energy use and sustainable consumption
in: Journal of Sustainable Development 13 (6), 11-25 - Kemp, René / Babette Never / Serdar Türkeli (2020)
Fostering sustainable development goals through an integrated approach: phasing in green energy technologies in India and China
in: Ademola A. Adenle / Marian R. Chertow / Ellen Moors / David J. Pannell (eds), Science, technology and innovation for sustainable development goals: insights from agriculture, health, environment, and energy, New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 108-124 - Figueroa, Aurelia Rochelle / Laura de Molière / Anna Pegels / Babette Never / Florian Kutzner (2018)
Show me (more than) the money! Assessing the social and psychological dimensions to energy efficient lighting in Kenya
in: Energy Research & Social Science 47/2019, 224-232 - Never, Babette / Katharina Stepping (2018)
Comparing urban wastewater systems in India and Brazil: options for energy efficiency and wastewater reuse
in: Water Policy 20/2018, 1129–1144 - Never, Babette / René Kemp (2017)
Developing green technologies and phasing them in
in: Tilman Altenburg / Claudia Assmann (eds.), Green industrial policy: concept, policies, country experiences, Geneva; Bonn: UN Environment; German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), 87-101 - Kemp, René / Babette Never (2017)
Green transition, industrial policy, and economic development
in: Oxford Review of Economic Policy 33 (1), 66-84 - Never, Babette (2016)
Behave and save? Behaviour, energy efficiency and performance of micro and small enterprises in Uganda
in: Energy Research & Social Science 15/2016, 33-44 - Never, Babette (2015)
Social norms, trust and control of power theft in Uganda: does bulk metering work for MSEs?
in: Energy Policy 82/2015, 197-206 - Never, Babette (2014)
Comparing the climate policy performance of emerging economies
in: World Development 59 (7), 1-15 - Never, Babette (2014)
Knowledge systems and change in climate governance: comparing India and South Africa
London: Routledge - Never, Babette (2013)
Power in global climate governance
in: Oliver Ruppel / Christian Roschmann / Katharina Ruppel-Schlichting (Hrsg.), Climate change: international law and and global governance, Vol.II: Policy, diplomacy and governance in a changing environment, Baden-Baden: Nomos Verl.-Ges., 217-234 - Never, Babette (2012)
Who drives change? Comparing the evolution of domestic climate governance in India and South Africa
in: Journal of Environment and Development 21 (3), 362-387 - Never, Babette (2010)
Regional power shifts and climate knowledge systems in (global) climate governance
in: Göttingen Journal of International Law 2 (1), 311-334
Non-refereed Publications
- Malerba, Daniele / Babette Never / Hanna Fuhrmann-Riebel / Sascha Kuhn (2024)
Survey data on climate policy in three countries (Peru, Ghana, Philippines) within the project "Sustainable Middle Classes in Middle Income Countries: Transforming Carbon Consumption Patterns (SMMICC)"
Bonn: German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS) - Altenburg, Tilman / Anna Pegels / Mauricio Böhl Gutierrez et al. (2024)
Greening economies in partner countries: priorities for International cooperation
(Policy Brief 2/2024) - Never, Babette / Chiara Anselmetti (2023)
Political participation patterns of the emerging middle classes in Peru and the Philippines
(Discussion Paper 11/2023) - Never, Babette (2023)
Behavioral changes during Asia's net zero transition: evidence from middle-class household consumption
Manila: Asian Development Bank - Altenburg, Tilman / Steffen Bauer / Clara Brandi / Michael Brüntrup / Daniele Malerba / Babette Never / Anna Pegels / Andreas Stamm / Jenny To / Ulrich Volz (2022)
Ökologische Strukturpolitik: ein starker Profilbaustein für die deutsche Entwicklungszusammenarbeit
(Discussion Paper 8/2022) - Never, Babette (2021)
The second hand market for air conditioners in Metro Manila. Business models, resource use, policy options
Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) - Never, Babette / Jose Ramon Albert / Hanna Fuhrmann / Sebastian Gsell / Miguel Jaramillo / Sascha Kuhn / Bernardin Senadza (2020)
Carbon consumption patterns of emerging middle classes
(Discussion Paper 13/2020) - Hein, Wolfgang / Joachim Betz / Dennis Eucker / Jonas Hein / Lars Holstenkamp / Babette Never (2017)
Klimapolitik und Entwicklung
in: Georg Simonis (Hrsg.), Handbuch Globale Klimapolitik, Paderborn: Schöningh, 397-441 - Never, Babette (2016)
Sewage systems and energy: focus on urban India
(Two Pager 2/2016) - Dombrowsky, Ines / Waltina Scheumann / Babette Never (2016)
Governing the nexus between water, energy and food: instruments, incentives and mechanisms
(Two Pager 1/2016) - Never, Babette (2016)
Wastewater systems and energy saving in urban India: governing the Water-Energy-Food Nexus series
(Discussion Paper 12/2016) - Betz, Joachim / Babette Never (2015)
Kontroverse: bringt der UN-Klimagipfel in Paris den Durchbruch für den globalen Klimaschutz?
in: e21 magazin 4/2015, 9 - Never, Babette (2015)
Behavioural drivers and barriers to energy efficiency investments of micro, small, and medium enterprises in India
in: Pegels, Anna / Aurelia Figueroa / Babette Never, The human factor in energy efficiency: lessons from developing countries, Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) / Pretoria: National Cleaner Production Centre of South Africa (NCPC-SA), 55-67 - Never, Babette (2015)
Energy efficiency management in Ugandan SMEs: assessing the role of behaviour
in: Pegels, Anna / Aurelia Figueroa / Babette Never, The human factor in energy efficiency: lessons from developing countries, Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) / Pretoria: National Cleaner Production Centre of South Africa (NCPC-SA), 25-41 - Pegels, Anna / Aurelia Figueroa / Babette Never (2015)
The human factor in energy efficiency: lessons from developing countries
Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) / Pretoria: National Cleaner Production Centre of South Africa (NCPC-SA) - Never, Babette (2014)
Making energy efficiency pro-poor: insights from behavioural economics for policy design
(Discussion Paper 11/2014) - Never, Babette (2013)
Green power and performance in global environmental governance
Hamburg: GIGA (GIGA Focus 6/2013) - Never, Babette (2012)
Macht in der globalen Klima-Governance
Hamburg: GIGA (GIGA Focus Global 4/2012) - Never, Babette (2012)
Collective learning through climate knowledge systems: the case of South Africa
in: Politikon - South African Journal of Political Studies 39 (2), 231-256
Opinion Pieces
- Never, Babette (2023)
Integrated approaches for a circular economy in German development cooperation
Bonn: German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS), The Current Column of 13 February 2023 - Bauer, Steffen / Babette Never (2022)
Meeting the world’s demand for Wellbeing with less resources
Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), The Current Column of 13 June 2022 - Never, Babette (2017)
Why it is worth considering consumer trends among the new middle classes
Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), The Current Column of 4 December 2017 - Never, Babette (2017)
Green economy – Options for sustainable consumption
Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) (The Current Column of 24 April 2017) - Betz, Joachim / Babette Never
Kollektive Selbstblockade? Warum der Pariser Klimagipfel scheitert
published on GIGA Focus 1/2015 - Kappel, Robert / Babette Never (2015)
East Africa’s highway to oil
Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) (The Current Column of 26 January 2015) - Never, Babette (2014)
Uganda: electricity or tourism?
Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) (The Current Column of 7 July 2014) - Never, Babette (2013)
Toward the green economy: assessing countries' green power
Hamburg: GIGA (GIGA Working Paper 226) - Never, Babette (2013)
Green power and performance in global environmental governance
Hamburg: GIGA (GIGA Focus 6/2013) - Never, Babette (2012)
Hamburg: GIGA (GIGA Focus International Chinese 3/2012) - Never, Babette (2012)
Macht in der globalen Klima-Governance
Hamburg: GIGA (GIGA Focus Global 4/2012) - Never, Babette (2011)
Integrating energy and climate governance in South Africa: drivers, barriers and the shadow of hierarchy
School of International Development, Univ. of East Anglia (UK Working Paper 013) - Never, Babette (2010)
Regional Power shifts and climate knowledge systems: South Africa as a climate power?
Hamburg: GIGA (GIGA Working Paper 125) - Never, Babette (2010)
Südafrika: Kohle oder Klimaschutz?
Hamburg: GIGA (GIGA Focus Afrika 4/2010) - Never, Babette / Eucker, Dennis (2009)
Der „Obama-Effekt“ auf die Klimapolitik der neuen regionalen Führungsmächte
Hamburg: GIGA (GIGA Focus Global 8/2009) - Stroh, Alexander / Babette Never (2006)
Kaurimuschel statt Chamäleon: dritter demokratischer Präsidentenwechsel in Benin
Hamburg: GIGA (GIGA Focus Afrika 8/2006)
- Socio-ecological transformation of the economy
- SuperSustain – The role of supermarkets as key agents in systems of sustainable consumption and production
- Sustainable Middle Classes in Middle Income Countries: Transforming Carbon Consumption Patterns (SMMICC)
- Green industrial policy
- Implementing the Water-Energy-Food Nexus: Incentive structures and policy instruments
- Energy efficiency and behavioural insights
- Green and inclusive energy systems
Survey data on climate policy in three countries (Peru, Ghana, Philippines) within the project "Sustainable Middle Classes in Middle Income Countries: Transforming Carbon Consumption Patterns (SMMICC)"
Malerba, Daniele / Babette Never / Hanna Fuhrmann-Riebel / Sascha Kuhn (2024)
Research Data
Green and social regulation of second hand appliance markets: the case of air conditioners in the Philippines
Never, Babette (2022)
in: Circular Economy & Sustainability, first published 17.09.2022
Energy saving behaviours of middle class households in Ghana, Peru and the Philippines
Never, Babette / Sascha Kuhn / Hanna Fuhrmann-Riebel / Jose Ramon Albert / Sebastian Gsell / Miguel Jaramillo / Bernardin Senadza (2022)
in: Energy for Sustainable Development (68), 170-181