Breuer, Anita
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Dr. Anita Breuer
Transformation of Political (Dis-)order
Senior Researcher
Political Science
Work areas
- Digitalization in Politics and Development
- Good Governance, Participation and Accountability
- Implementation of the 2030 Agenda
- SDG 16 „Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions“
- Countering disinformation to protect democracy
Regional expertise
- Africa
- Latin America
since 1/2018 | German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) Researcher, Research Department "Transformation of political (dis-)order" |
2011-12/2017 | German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) Researcher, department "Governance, Statehood, Security" |
2010-2011 | University of Cologne Department of Comparative Politics Researcher Coordination of a DFG research group application procedure with participants from ten German research institutions Conduction of a research project on the impact of social media on political participation |
2009-2010 | University of Cologne Department of Comparative Politics Fritz Thysssen Scholar, |
2004-2008 | University of Cologne Department of Comparative Politics, Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences Researcher and Lecturer Dr. rer. pol (summa cum laude), 2008 Department of Comparative Politics, Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences Dissertation Title: "Direct Democracy in Latin America" |
2000-2003 | InWEnt – Capacity Building International, Bonn Freelance Conference and Seminar Assistant |
1996-2004 | University of Cologne Dipl. Reg Wiss. LA, 2004 (M.A. Area Studies Latin America Equivalent) Faculty of Philosophy, Graduation Thesis Title: “Transition in Mexiko und die Präsidentschaftswahl 2000. Institutionelle und soziale Erklärungsfaktoren“ |
Refereed Publications
- Breuer, Anita / Julia Leininger / Daniele Malerba / Jale Tosun (2023)
Integrated policymaking: institutional designs for implementing the sustainable development goals (SDGs)
in: World Development 170, article 106317 - Breuer, Anita / Daniele Malerba / Srinivasa Srigiri / Pooja Balasubramanian (eds.) (2023)
Governing the interlinkages between the SDGs: approaches, opportunities and challenges
London: Routledge - Breuer, Anita / Daniele Malerba / Srinivasa, Srigiri / Pooja Balasubramanian (2022)
Governing the Interlinkages between the SDGs: Approaches, Opportunities and Challenges (Introduction)
in: Anita Breuer / Daniele Malerba / Srinivasa, Srigiri / Pooja Balasubramanian (eds.), Governing the interlinkages between the SDGs: approaches, opportunities and challenges, London: Routledge, 1-14 - Allen, Cameron / Anita Breuer / Julia Kercher / Julia Leininger / Pooja Balasubramanian / Arvinn Gadgil (2022)
The role of good governance in reducing poverty and inequality: evidence from a scoping review of interlinkages between SDGs 16, 10 and 1
in: Anita Breuer / Daniele Malerba / Srinivasa, Srigiri / Pooja Balasubramanian (eds.), Governing the interlinkages between the SDGs: approaches, opportunities and challenges, London: Routledge, 30-50 - Breuer, Anita / Julia Leininger / Daniele Malerba (2022)
Governance mechanisms for coherent and effective implementation of the 2030 Agenda: A cross-national comparison of government SDG bodies
in: Anita Breuer / Daniele Malerba / Srinivasa, Srigiri / Pooja Balasubramanian (eds.), Governing the interlinkages between the SDGs: approaches, opportunities and challenges, London: Routledge, 51-71 - Breuer, Anita / Daniele Malerba / Srinivasa, Srigiri / Pooja Balasubramanian (2022)
Governing the interlinkages between the SDGs: conclusions
in: Anita Breuer / Daniele Malerba / Srinivasa, Srigiri / Pooja Balasubramanian (eds.), Governing the interlinkages between the SDGs: approaches, opportunities and challenges, London: Routledge, 225-237 - Breuer, Anita / Julia Leininger (2021)
Horizontal accountability for SDG implementation: a comparative cross-national analysis of emerging national accountability regimes
in: Sustainability 13 (13), article 7002 - Oswald Spring, Úrsula / Anita Breuer (2021)
Agenda 2030 y nexos entre seguridad de agua, energética y alimentaria: el caso de Huexca, Morelos
in: Veredas. Revista del Pensamiento Sociológico (40), 61 - 93 - Breuer, Anita / Ursula Oswald Spring (2020)
The 2030 Agenda as agenda setting event for water governance? Evidence from the Cuautla River Basin in Morelos, Mexico. Water 2020
in: Water 12 (2), article 314 - Breuer, Anita / Hannah Janetschek / Daniele Malerba (2019)
Translating Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) interdependencies into policy advice
in: Sustainability 11 (7), article 2092 - Breuer, Anita / Laura Blomenkemper / Stefan Kliesch / Franziska Salzer / Manuel Schädler / Valentin Schweinfurth / Stephen Virchow (2018)
The potential of ICT‐supported participatory communication interventions to challenge local power dynamics: Lessons from the case of Togo
in: Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries 84 (3), e12026 - Breuer, Anita / Edward Asiedu (2017)
Can gender-targeted employment interventions help enhance community participation? Evidence from urban Togo
published on World Development 11 April 2017 - Breuer, Anita / Jacob Groshek (2016)
Assessing the potential of ICTs for participatory development in Sub-Saharan Africa with evidence from urban Togo
published on International Journal of Politics, Culture, and Society doi:10.1007/s10767-016-9235-5 - Breuer, Anita / Todd Landman / Dorothea Farquhar (2014)
Social media and protest mobilization: evidence from the Tunisian revolution
published on Democratization - Breuer, Anita / Jacob Groshek (2014)
Slacktivism or efficiency-increased activism? Online political participation and the Brazilian Ficha Limpa anti-corruption campaign
in: Anita Breuer / Yanina Welp (eds.), Digital technologies for democratic governance in Latin America: opportunities and risks, Abingdon: Routledge, 165-182 - Breuer, Anita / Yanina Welp (eds.) (2014)
Digital technologies for democratic governance in Latin America: opportunities and risks
Abingdon: Routledge (Routledge Explorations in Development Studies) - Breuer, Anita / Jacob Groshek (2013)
Online media and offline empowerment in post-rebellion Tunisia: an analysis of internet use during democratic transition
in: Journal of Information Technology and Politics 11 (1), 25-44 - Breuer, Anita (2011)
Obstacles to citizen participation by direct democracy in Latin America: a comparative regional analysis of legal frameworks and evidence from the Costa Rican case
in: Democratization 18 (1), 100-134 - Breuer, Anita (2009)
Costa Rica’s 2007 referendum on the Dominican Republic: Central America Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA-DR); citizen participation or citizen manipulation?
in: Representation 45 (4), 455-469 - Breuer, Anita (2009)
The use of government-initiated referendums in Latin America: towards a theory of referendum causes
in: Revista Chilena de Ciencia Política 29 (1), 23-55 - Breuer, Anita (2008)
Policy making by referendum in presidential systems: evidence from the Bolivian and the Colombian case
in: Latin American Politics and Society 50 (4), 59-89 - Breuer, Anita (2008)
The problematic relation between direct democracy and accountability in Latin America: evidence from the Bolivian case
in: Bulletin of Latin American Research 27 (1), 1-23 - Breuer, Anita (2007)
Institutions of direct democracy and accountability in Latin America’s presidential democracies
in: Democratization 14 (4), 554-579
Non-refereed Publications
- Breuer, Anita (2025)
From polarisation to autocratisation: the role of information pollution in Brazil's democratic erosion
(Discussion Paper 2/2025) - Sinanoglu, Semuhi / Anita Breuer (2024)
Countering information pollution to protect democracy
(Policy Brief 29/2024) - Breuer, Anita (2024)
Information integrity and information pollution: vulnerabilities and impact on social cohesion and democracy in Mexico
(Discussion Paper 2/2024) - Allen, Cameron / Anita Breuer / Julia Kercher (2023)
Connections that matter: how does the quality of governance institutions help protect our ocean?
Oslo: United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in cooperation with German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS) - Balasubramanian, Pooja / Anita Breuer / Julia Leininger / Cameron Allen / Julia Kercher (2022)
Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 16: a governance compass towards just transition?
(Policy Brief 4/2022) - Allen, Cameron / Julia Kercher / Anita Breuer / Julia Leininger / Pooja Balasubramanian (2022)
Connections that matter: how the quality of governance institutions may be the booster shot we need to reduce poverty and inequality
Oslo: UNDP / DIE (May 2022) - Srigiri, Srinivasa Reddy / Anita Breuer / Waltina Scheumann (2021)
Mechanisms for governing the Water-Land-Food Nexus in the Lower Awash River Basin, Ethiopia: ensuring policy coherence in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda
(Discussion Paper 26/2021) - Breuer, Anita / Julia Leininger / Saionara König-Reis (2021)
Key players in accountable SDG implementation: national human rights institutions
(Briefing Paper 16/2021) - Breuer, Anita / Julia Leininger / Kirsten Brosbøl / Léna Belly-Le Guilloux / Bora Sefa (2021)
Key players in national SDG accountability: the role of parliaments
(Briefing Paper 15/2021) - Nakicenovic, Nebojsa et al. (2020)
Innovations for sustainability: pathways to an efficient and sufficient post-pandemic future
3rd report prepared by The World in 2050 Initiative (TWI2050), Laxenburg: International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis - Breuer, Anita / Julia Leininger / Jale Tosun (2019)
Integrated policymaking: choosing an institutional design for implementing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
(Discussion Paper 14/2019) - Leininger, Julia / Ines Dombrowsky / Dirk Messner / Anita Breuer / Constantin Ruhe / Hannah Janetschek / Hermann Lotze-Campen (2018)
Governing the transformations towards sustainability
in: Elmar Kriegler / Dirk Messner / Nebojsa Nakicenovic / Keywan Riahi / Johan Rockström / Jeffrey Sachs / Sander van der Leeuw / Detlef van Vuuren (eds.), Transformations to achieve the sustainable development goals; Report prepared by The World in 2050 Initiative, Laxenburg: International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), 107-126 - Breuer, Anita / Laura Blomenkemper / Stefan Kliesch / Franziska Salzer / Manuel Schädler / Valentin Schweinfurth / Stephen Virchow (2017)
Decentralisation in Togo: the contribution of ICT-based participatory development approaches to strengthening local governance
(Discussion Paper 6/2017) - Breuer, Anita (2014)
Media experiences and communication strategies of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood from 1928 to 2011: a brief historical overview
Forschungsjournal Soziale Bewegungen – Plus Suppl. zu 1/2014 - Breuer, Anita / Karim Khashaba (2014)
Islamic political communication online: an analysis of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood’s official English websites
Forschungsjournal Soziale Bewegungen – Plus Suppl. zu 1/2014 - Breuer, Anita (2012)
The role of social media in mobilizing political protest: evidence from the Tunisian revolution
(Discussion Paper 10/2012) - Breuer, Anita / Julia Leininger (2012)
International democracy promotion: new opportunities, old problems
in: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) , Annual Report 2011-2012: building bridges between research and practice, 32-35 - Breuer, Anita / Julia Leininger (2012)
Internationale Demokratieförderung: neue Chancen, alte Probleme
in: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) , Jahresbericht 2011-2012: Brücken bauen zwischen Theorie und Praxis, 32-35 - Breuer, Anita (2011)
Demokratieförderung im Zeitalter Sozialer Medien: Risiken und Chancen
(Analysen und Stellungnahmen 14/2011) - Breuer, Anita (2011)
Democracy promotion in the age of social media: risks and opportunities
(Briefing Paper 12/2011) - Breuer, Anita (2004)
Adiós al PRI! Der mexikanische Transformationsprozess und die Präsidentschaftswahl 2000
Münster: Lit Verl.
Opinion Pieces
- Breuer, Anita / Svea Koch / Ina Lehmann / Okka Lou Mathis (2021)
Stellungnahme des DIE zur Weiterentwicklung der Deutschen Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie 2021
published on, 01.11.2020 - Breuer, Anita (2008)
Länderbericht Mexiko
Polit-ökonomische Kurzanalyse im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ) - Breuer, Anita (2000)
Der Lebensmittelmarkt in Mexiko
Marktstudie im Auftrag der Centralen Marketing-Gesellschaft der Deutschen Agrarwirtschaft mbH - Breuer, Anita (2000)
Wasser in Mexiko
Marktstudie im Auftrag der Sachtleben Chemie GmbH
- Protecting Democracy in times of Autocratization and Polarization
- The World in 2050
- Implementing the 2030 Agenda: Integrating Growth, Environment, Equality and Governance
- Global Sustainable Development Report - Scientific contributions and outreach activities
- Assessing the impact of innovative ICT-based citizen monitoring systems in the context of German Financial Co-operation
- Democracy Promotion in the Age of Social Digital Media: Challenges and Opportunities
- The Political Economy of Inclusive Growth
- Zukunftsfragen nach 2015
Video: Measures to Support Inclusive Access to Information
Information integrity and information pollution: vulnerabilities and impact on social cohesion and democracy in Mexico
Breuer, Anita (2024)
Discussion Paper (2/2024)

Governing the Interlinkages between the SDGs: Approaches, Opportunities and Challenges
Breuer, Anita / Daniele Malerba / Srinivasa Srigiri / Pooja Balasubramanian (Eds.) (2022)