Acosta-Michlik, Lilibeth

Prof. Dr. Lilibeth Acosta-Michlik
Transformation of Economic and Social Systems
Former Senior Researcher
Agricultural / Environmental Economist
2/2015-9/2015 | German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) Senior Researcher |
Since 08/2009 | Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) Department of Earth System Analysis Senior Scientist (currently guest status) |
Since 08/2007 | University of the Philippines at Los Baños (UPLB) School of Environmental Science and Management Adjunct Professor/Scientific Coordinator |
2008-2011 | School of Geosciences, University of Edinburgh Centre for the study of Environmental Change and Sustainability (CECS) Senior Research Fellow |
2007-2011 | Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL), Belgium Unité d'économie rurale Scientific Coordinator |
2004-2007 | Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL) Département de Géologie et de Géographie Senior Research Fellow |
2006-2007 | University of the Philippines at Los Baños School of Environmental Science and Management Research Associate |
2004-2005 | University of the Philippines at Los Baños (UPLB) Department of Agricultural Economics Research Associate |
2001-2004 | Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) Department of Global Change and Social Systems Senior Research Fellow |
1998-2000 | University of Kyoto Department of Natural Resource Economics Post-doc Research Fellow |
1993-1998 | University of Bonn Institute for Agricultural Policy Doctorall Research in International Economic Integration and Trade |
1988-1993 | National Economic Development Authority, Philippines Agriculture and Environment Staff Economic Development Specialist |
1990-1991 | University of Cambridge Faculty of Economics and Politics Master of Philosophy in Economics and Politics of Development |
Member of
- Coordinating lead author, Expert group on policy support tools and methodologies for scenario analysis and modeling of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services
- Editorial Board Member, Journal of Environmental Science and Management
- Editorial Board Member, Advances in Energy Research
- Expert reviewer, Environment and Ecology Research Journal
- Alumni Member, UP Agricultural Economics Circle, University of the Philippines at Los Baños
- Alumni Member, Darwin College, Cambridge University
- B.M. Gonzales “Best Thesis” award, University of the Philippines at Los Baños, 1988
- Best Officer award, UP Agricultural Economics Circle, University of the Philippines at Los Baños, 1987
- Balik Scientist Program award, Department of Science and Technology (DOST), Philippines, 2008/09
- Fellowship award, Global Change System for Analysis, Research and Training (START), 2004
- Fellowship award, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, 1998-2000
- Scholarship award, German Academic Exchange Services (DAAD), 1993-1998
- Scholarship award, British Council, 1990-1991
- Scholarship award, Cambridge Overseas Trust, 1990-1991
- Scholarship award, International Rice Research Institute Junior Researchers Association, 1984-1988
Refereed Publications
- Talubo, Joan Pauline P. / Arian J. Jacildo / Victoria O. Espaldon / Lilibeth A. Acosta-Michlik / Damasa M. Macandog / Gloria Luz M. Nelson / Nelita M. Lalican / Edwin R. Abucay / Charisma T. Malenab / Jaderick P. Pabico / Moises A. Dorado
Vulnerability to Rainfall-induced landslide of three communities in Infanta, Quezon, Philippines
in: International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR) 23 (1), 138-166 - Acosta, Lilibeth A. / Elena A. Eugenio / Nelson H. Enano Jr. / Damasa B. Magcale-Macandog / Belita A. Vega / Paula Beatrice M. Macandog / Jemimah Mae A. Eugenio / Marilou A. Lopez / Arnold R. Salvacion / Wolfgang Lucht
Sustainability trade-offs in bioenergy development in the Philippines: an application of conjoint analysis
in: Biomass and Bioenergy 64 (May), 20-41 - Acosta, Lilibeth A. / Mark D. A. Rounsevell / Martha Bakker / Ann Van Doorn / Montserrat Gómez-Delgado / Marc Delgado (2014)
An agent-based assessment of land use and ecosystem changes in traditional agricultural landscape of Portugal
in: Intelligent Information Management 6 (2), 55-80 - Acosta, Lilibeth A. / Nelson H. Enano Jr. / Damasa B. Magcale-Macandog / Kathreena G. Engay / Maria Noriza Q. Herrera / Ozzy Boy S. Nicopior / Mic Ivan V. Sumilang / Jemimah Mae A. Eugenio / Wolfgang Lucht (2013)
How sustainable is bioenergy production in the Philippines? A conjoint analysis of knowledge and opinions of people with different typologies
in: Applied Energy 102/2013, 241-253 - Acosta, Lilibeth A. / Fausto Galli (2013)
Crisis Probability Curves (CPCs): a model for assessing vulnerability thresholds across space and over time
in: Journal of Environmental Science and Management 16 (1), 36-49 - Acosta, Lilibeth / Richard J.T. Klein / Pytrik Reidsma / Marc J. Metzger / Mark D.A. Rounsevell / Rik Leemans / Dagmar Schröter
A spatially explicit scenario-driven model of adaptive capacity to global change in Europe
in: Global Environmental Change 23 (5), 1211-1224 - Van Herzele, Ann / Anne Gobin / Peter Van Gossum / Lilibeth Acosta /
Tom Waas / Nicolas Dendoncker / Bruno Henry de Frahan
Effort for money? Farmers' rationale for participation in agri-environment measures with different implementation complexity
in: Journal of Environmental Management 110, 120-131 - Acosta-Michlik, Lilibeth A. / Maria Victoria Espaldon
Reducing vulnerability of rural communities in the Philippines: modelling social links between science and policy
in: Roger E. Kasperson / Mimi Berberian (eds.), Integrating science and policy: vulnerability and resilience in global environmental change, London: Routledge, 307-334 - Murray-Rusta, Dave / Nicolas Dendoncker / Terry P. Dawson / Lilibeth Acosta-Michlik / Eleni Karali / Eleonore Guillem / Mark Rounsevell (2011)
Conceptualising the analysis of socio-ecological systems through ecosystem services and agent based modelling
in: Journal of Land Use Science 6 (2/3), 83-99 - Van Herzele, Ann / Nicolas Dendonckerc / Lilibeth Acosta-Michlik
Mobilisation capacity for agri-environmental management
in: Journal of Environmental Management 92 (3), 1023-1032
Non-refereed Publications
- Acosta, Lilibeth A. / Jemimah Mae A. Eugenio (2014)
Defuzzification of fuzzy concepts to support vulnerability assessments of climate change impacts in the Philippines
in: Justin A. Daniels (ed.), Advances in environmental research 15, Hauppauge, New York: Nova Science Publishers Inc., 165-194
Opinion Pieces
- Acosta-Michlik, Lilibeth A. / Bruno Henry de Frahan / Henrich Brucke / Kristina Hansen / Guy Engelen / Inge Uljee / Ann Van Herzele / Mark Rounsevell / Roger White (2011)
A multiscalar and multiagent modelling framework for assessing sustainable futures in a globalised environment
Brussels: Belgian Science Policy (Science for a sustainable development (SSD))
Current Publications
![[Translate to English:] Cover: The making of an International Investment Facilitation Framework: legal, political and economic perspectives](/fileadmin/user_upload/bilder/publikationen/Cover_externe_publikationen/Berger_Chi_Making_of_Int_Investment_Fascilitation_Framwork.jpg)
The making of an International Investment Facilitation Framework: legal, political and economic perspectives
Berger, Axel / Manjiao Chi (eds.) (2025)

Trump’s tariffs as a risk for the Global South and possible options
Kornher, Lukas / Clara Brandi (2025)

Umbau statt Zerfall: Entwicklungspolitik jetzt anders aufstellen
Kloke-Lesch, Adolf (2025)

Trump stoppt USAID: Mithilfe dieser fünf Punkte sollte Deutschland seine Entwicklungshilfe jetzt neu aufstellen
Klingebiel, Stephan (2025)