Prevention of Corruption
Our goals in applying the Public Corporate Governance Code
By applying the Public Corporate Governance Code of the Federal Government and the State of North Rhine-Westphalia, IDOS is pursuing the goal of continuing to ensure the balanced interaction of the four important bodies - the shareholders, management, Board of Trustees and the International Scientific Advisory Board newly constituted in February 2023 - within the framework of the regulations set out therein, while supporting the concerns of both codes, giving the management the necessary freedom of action, clarifying the function of the shareholders and defining the framework for the Board of Trustees as a supervisory body.
Sustainable corporate governance
IDOS attaches great importance to climate neutrality and endeavours to act responsibly and in a future-oriented manner with regard to the economic, environmental and social aspects of the institute's activities. The Executive Board has been supported in the area of sustainability by a Sustainability Working Group since 2016 (since 2021 by the Climate Action Group). Together with the Executive Board, the working group has set itself the goal of promoting environmentally friendly and sustainable working practices within the institute.
IDOS has also set itself the goal of continuously improving opportunities for the professional development of women and men, people with disabilities and people with a migration background. To this end, the institute has drawn up an equality plan, is certified in accordance with ‘Career and Family’ and offers seminars such as anti-racism sensitisation and non-violent communication.
Corruption prevention
Corruption erodes decision-making structures, encourages interest-driven behaviour beyond the institutional mandate of an institution, thus weakening the performance and quality of the products produced and damaging the reputation of each affected institution. Corruption inevitably leads to a loss of trust both among its own staff, partners and the public.
The IDOS team - its management levels as well as the entire staff - thus take up the challenge to protect themselves against corruption with all means at their disposal and to raise the staff’s awareness for this issue accordingly.
Against this background, IDOS has appointed a contact person who is in charge of the consistent implementation of the " Federal Government Directive Concerning the Prevention of Corruption in the Federal Administration" of 30 July 2004 and is available to employees for advice and information on the topic of corruption prevention. In addition to employees, citizens can also contact the anti-corruption commissioner with questions or information on possible suspicions of corruption.
If you have any questions or indications of possible suspected corruption, you can contact
Further information
Federal Government Directive Concerning the Prevention of Corruption in the Federal Administration