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Striking the right balance is particularly important in this case, because the largest group of poor and vulnerable people live from land and soil.

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Photo: Julian Bergmann is a Political Sciencentist and Senior Researcher in the Research Programme "Inter- and Transnational Cooperation".

Development cooperation  plays an important geopolitical role while making a major contribution to promoting Ukrainian society’s capacity for resistance and its resilience in times of war.

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Research Programmes

Photo: Header Image of Research Programme "Transformation of Political (Dis-)order: Institutions, Values & Peace", Ordered settlement next to a poorer district, divided by a street, Photo by jonny miller /


Logo of the Managing Global Governance (MGG) network which brings together governmental institutions, think tanks and research institutions as well as civil society and business organizations from different countries. The link leads to the network site.
Logo of the  European Think Tanks Group, a Network of  six leading European think tanks working on international development and humanitarian issues, the link leads to the network site.
Logo of the Sustainable Development Solutions Network Germany (SDSN Germany) which works to promote sustainable development in the country and encourage Germany’s commitment to sustainable development in the European Union (EU) and around the world. The link leads to the network site.
Logo of the Africa Standing Group which engages in cross-regional joint knowledge production and provides evidence-based policy advice related to cooperation between the G20 and Africa. The link leads to the network site.