Stabilization and development in the Middle East and North Africa (Mena)
More than ever, developments in the Middle East and North Africa (the 'MENA region') are affected by wars and unresolved conflicts. In Syria, rebel groups have taken over large parts of the country, and ruler Bashar al-Assad has fled Damascus. In its research and consulting project, IDOS explores the question of how local reform forces can be supported in order to promote economically, socially, ecologically and politically sustainable development.
Read moreKlimalog – Research and dialogue for a climate-smart and just transformation
As part of the Klimalog, IDOS promotes an understanding of the links between climate policy and development and researches concrete steps towards a transformation towards "climate-smart" and equitable development paths.
Opinion pieces and media contributions
“Climate migration” as a political challenge: time to take stock of the actors and activities
Schraven, Benjamin / Jamie Slater
The general political mission is to promote the positive potential of migration as an adaptation strategy and to minimise dangers and risks such as forced displacement as best as possible, for example through prevention measures.
Read moreManaging Change in Syria: Opportunities for Inclusivity Amid Fragmentation
Musallam Abedtalas
The fall of the Assad dictatorship and the collapse of the state have left Syria at a critical Juncture. This moment of chance for change comes with risks...
Read moreEvents
Current publications
Digital transformation for a sustainable future: insights from Brazil's civil service
Grimm, Sven / Wulf Reiners / Mara Braun / Laura Donath / Sophia Hörbelt / Sophie Lampert / Marcel Wich (17/2024)
Seven strategies to leverage water for peace and foster sustainable and just water management for all
Krause, Stefan / Iseult Lynch / Ankit Agarwal / Adenike Akinsemolu / Berit Arheimer / Wouter Buytaert / Rita Floyd / Annabelle Houdret / Elizabeth Saccoccia / Uwe Schneidewind / Klement Tockner / Tahmina Yasmin / David M. Hannah (2024)
Can the G77 be the voice of a rising Global South?
Baumann, Max-Otto / Novoselova, Anna (2024)
Amidst post-colonial continuities and Global power shifts: what role for the IDOS Postgraduate Programme for sustainability cooperation?
Christ, Simone (2024)
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