Discussion Paper
Trade flows in developing countries: what is the role of trade finance?
Brandi, Clara / Birgit SchmitzDiscussion Paper (13/2015)
Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE)
ISBN: 978-3-88985-678-4
Preis: 6 €
trade, the less important is the trade credit insurance effect on imports; when a country is more open to trade, the more frequent exchanges of goods support reliable importerexporter relationships, so that trade partners do not have to rely as much on trade finance instruments. We further investigate how the effect of the availably of trade finance on trade flows differs across different country groups, above all with a view to different levels of income and levels of development. We find that import flows to non-OECD, lower and middle-income and developing countries are heavily supported by a higher flow of trade credit insurance. We also investigate the importance of trade finance across regions and find that trade finance is particularly important for sub-Saharan Africa.
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