Discussion Paper
Making retail modernisation in developing countries inclusive: a development policy perspective
Altenburg, Tilman / Elmar Kulke / Aimée Hampel-Milagrosa / Lisa Peterskovsky / Caroline ReegDiscussion Paper (2/2016)
Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE)
ISBN: 978-3-88985-680-7
Preis: 6 €
productivity effects will fail to be realised) nor feasible in the long term (due to the prevailing overall trend towards trade and foreign direct investment liberalisation). Delaying the inevitable adaptation of local retail systems to international best practices may imply higher adaptation costs in the future. The challenge is to proactively shape the way national systems adapt to the global retail revolution. Despite the far-reaching impact of the supermarket revolution, this challenge has so far hardly been debated in development policy circles. This omission is possibly due to the cross-cutting nature of the topic: managing the supermarket revolution concerns agricultural development, urban planning and consumer protection alike, and there is usually no central authority or coordinated system for managing the process. Likewise, only a handful of donor agencies tackle retail modernisation, and those that do mainly focus on the micro level – e.g. by training small farmers rather than assisting in the development of comprehensive strategies. Our study reviews a wide range of policy options. It shows that governments have significant leeway for shaping retail modernisation in an inclusive way. Developing country governments display very different attitudes towards retail modernisation and liberalisation, ranging from unconditional liberalisation to bureaucratic overregulation. We argue in favour of a sequenced approach that, on the one hand, supports productivity development and competition and, on the other, fosters technological learning and applies safeguards for the poor. Working collaboratively with retail corporations is, of course, a key element of
such an agenda, but this study also presents a host of additional intervention options. It also highlights the potential contribution of donor agencies, which can bring in international expertise, facilitate dialogue and strategy-building, and encourage pilot projects with corporate partners. Furthermore, it introduces the concept of inclusive business and documents how retail corporations can contribute to host country development and improve their performance and corporate image at the same time.
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