Discussion Paper

Localising the SDGs in India: the role of government and private training institutes

Sengupta, Sreerupa / Avik Sinha
Discussion Paper (1/2022)

Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE)

ISBN: 978-3-96021-178-5
DOI: https://doi.org/10.23661/dp1.2022
Preis: 6 €

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) present a new and coherent way of thinking about diverse facets of development. Implicit in the framework of the SDGs is that the goals are interconnected and interdependent. To translate such critical ideas into reality, countries need new skills, perspectives and approaches to the implementation of policies and programmes. Capacity-building, in particular for the public sector, is therefore at the core of achieving the 2030 Agenda. Although all countries have designed their respective capacity-building strategies and undertaken various interventions for knowledge dissemination among government officials and other stakeholders on the SDGs, there are wide variations between countries regarding the progress on capacity-building initiatives. In many developing countries, the heterogeneity of the political, societal and economic structures poses one of the biggest challenges to capacity-building for the localisation of the SDGs.
This discussion paper explores and maps the SDG training landscape for government officials in India. As a particularly heterogeneous country in political, economic and cultural terms, India is an interesting example to explore the challenges of capacity-building in many developing countries towards the achievement of the SDGs. Against this background, the study aims to achieve the following:
a) to understand the role of government and private actors in building the capacity of government officials to respond to the 2030 Agenda
b) to understand the resources required for capacity-building on the SDGs
c) to identify the current shortcomings in capacity-building efforts
d) to develop recommendations for a more coordinated and effective strategy that will strengthen the capacity-building initiatives of India
This paper highlights the relevance of the evidence for creating better processes, even in the sphere of sensitisation, capacity-building and advocacy. A major contribution of the paper is to help India develop an evidence-based policy on SDG trainings. This paper will also assist other countries that are currently tackling similar kinds of challenges in the realm of capacity-building for the SDGs in designing a comprehensive capacity-building strategy for effective implementation of the SDGs.

Weitere Expert*innen zu diesem Thema

Baydag, Melis


Christ, Simone


Dang, Vy


Dippel, Beatrice


Flaig, Merlin


Grimm, Sven


Haug, Sebastian


Hernandez, Ariel


Hornidge, Anna-Katharina

Entwicklungs- und Wissenssoziologie 

Klingebiel, Stephan


Reiners, Wulf


Schwachula, Anna


Stamm, Andreas


Vogel, Johanna


Wisskirchen, Alma



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