
The straits of Malacca: knowledge and diversity

Gerke, Solvay / Hans-Dieter Evers / Anna-Katharina Hornidge (eds.)
Buchveröffentlichungen (2008)

Münster: Lit

ISBN: 978-3-82581-383-3

The Straits of Malacca are one of the world's most important shipping lanes connecting Europe, the Middle East and East und Southeast Asia. This volume throws new light on the Straits of Malacca region by highlighting its cultural and bio-diversity, knowledge-based development and economic hazards and opportunities.

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Cornelia Hornschild
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E-Mail Cornelia.Hornschild@idos-research.de
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Alexandra Fante
Bibliothekarin/Open Access-Koordinatorin

E-Mail Alexandra.Fante@idos-research.de
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