
Taming the big green elephant. Setting the motion for transformation towards sustainability
Hernandez, Ariel MacaspacBuchveröffentlichungen (2020)
Wiesbaden: Springer VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften
ISBN: 978-3-658-31821-5
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-31821-5
Open access
Sustainable low carbon development is a transformative process that constitutes the shifting from the initially chosen or taken pathway to another pathway as goals have been re-visited and revised to enable the system to adapt to changes. For example, political goals that focused on consumption-driven economic growth are now increasingly complemented or even substituted by other goals such as climate production and sustainable development. This change of policy goals means changes in development trajectories. However, shifting of paths entails transition costs that are primarily accrued through the effects of lock-ins (e.g., carbon lock-ins including dependence of fossil fuels) that have framed decisions and collective actions. The uncertainty about these transition costs can be overwhelming or even disruptive. Shifting becomes a question not only of technical optimization, but also of empathy, perspectives and flexibility. Shifting is a matter of negotiations. These transition costs are additional burdens that require new ways of conceptualizing (e.g., democracy), measuring and interpreting. This book aims to provide a comprehensive and integrated analytical framework that promotes the understanding of transformation towards sustainability. It introduces new and expanded theoretical concepts such as knowledge diplomacy, and revisits analytical methods such as scenarios, case studies and ideal types to better understand the dynamics of transformation to sustainability. The analysis of this book is built upon negotiative perspectives to help define, design, and facilitate collective actions in order to execute the principles of sustainability.
Cornelia Hornschild
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