
Institutional architecture and development: responses from emerging powers

Sidiropoulos, Elizabeth / Jorge A. Pérez Pineda / Sachin Chaturvedi / Thomas Fues (eds.)
Buchveröffentlichungen (2015)

Johannesburg: South African Institute of International Affairs (SAIIA)

ISBN: 978-1-4314-2221-0

The volume analyses the institutional evolution of South-South cooperation on the basis of nine case studies of providing countries. Crosscutting chapters address the experiences of traditional OECD-DAC donors in establishing specialised structures and the fundamental shifts of the global system for development cooperation in a multipolar world.

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Cornelia Hornschild
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E-Mail Cornelia.Hornschild@idos-research.de
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E-Mail Alexandra.Fante@idos-research.de
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